Jun 12, 2009 03:01
Everywhere I turn this seems to be the question people have for me. EVERYWHERE!
I went to the doctor last Friday and MY DOCTOR asked me if there was "plans to get married yet". Then he has the nerve to have someone draw 6 veils of blood and give me a bill!
I was in the grocery store a few weeks ago and I ran into someone I used to work with at Barnes and Noble. Second sentence out of her mouth, "Are you married yet?"
I am beginning to think it would be kinder to just walk up to me, say hi and kick me in the shins.
My best friend, Kim, is getting married in August. I am in her wedding. The worst part of it all (so far) was that she kept talking about when I get married.
The man at the restaurant Earl and I frequent, he calls me Earl's wife. He honestly does not know we aren't married. So whenever he says something about Earl's wife, I ways turn to Earl and say, "your wife!"
There have been a lot of circumstances lately that have lead me to seriously consider buying shirts that say "no, I'm not married" and the back will say "ask him". Cause inevitably the next question is when will you get married?
I guess I should have known. I was the only little girl I knew who didn't have dreams of getting married one day. I didn't have dreams of having children. Perhaps that was a cosmic push telling me I am just not the kind of girl guys marry and not the kind of woman who should have children.
Accepting that is just so difficult. Perhaps that should be my meditation for the week. Maybe I will invite Mara to tea tomorrow morning (i understand that it is possible that only buddhists will understand this).