Apr 02, 2005 22:21
Last week two Wednesday's ago i ran away after school, kyle's mom picked me and kyle and matt up we stayed there for about 45 minutes then his mom took matt home then she took me to anthony's house he was waiting for me cuz he ran away too and we went and sat on the roof then we hung out with dylan for a while and saw shaun working his ass off washing dishes at buddy's pizza.later we stayed the night at the gym in the next apartment to his. then the next day we hung out with andrew then all 3 of us left and went all the way up to perkins by circus bridge and we met up with joe and a different matt and we called dylan up and we met him at the abandoned Venice Arena and we went in there. holy shit was it scary there has been so many people that have died in there, so we got out before the cops came. then we walked up to publix on the island and andrew's mom picked us up and i called out the window "here niggernigggerniggerniggernigger" to these black people going to church lol and andrews mom stopped and bitched at me and said that if she ever hears anything like that again she'll kick me out of her car and make me walk home. yeah shes a bitch. then we met up with matt and this other kid with andrew went to 7-11 then andrew and Matt had to go and we were supposed to meet them at 12:45 but they didn't show up. so we slept on the bridge next to 7-11 then on the ground in a parking lot then at Wellfield park in some building hahaha. Then next day we hung out with andrew, for a while then he left and me and anthony hung out with matt #1 and 6 other kids then they left and we sat smoking for like 45 minutes then i asked this guy for a ride to the bowling alley and he did. so then we went to the tubed to look for joey andrew and dylan and matt but they werent there so we went to the plaza and smoked again then we called andrew from a pizza place and they were at the tubes. we then walked all the way back to the tubes hung out there with all them and 2 other chicks. then we left we all went to eckerds and andrew had to go home. then me, anthony, matt, dylan, and joe went up to Mcdonalds and some assholes shot paintballs at us twice and logan, darren, and some other guy were up at mickeyD's. then logan and darren and the other dude left then we went to checkers and we saw brandon and arlis up there and we got food and then we went to KMART and some child molester was up there and started shit with us and said he was going to kill us and that we were the skaters that had been harrassing him which we werent but we started yelling shit at him and arlis went up to him and kicked his bike over and joe mooned him on his skateboard then fell on his ass...BARE...lol then he chased us with his bike chain and we all ran. then arlis and matt left. then we started walking to dylans and this chick stopped her truck she was on zanex's and she picked us up and took us like everywhere. she was first gunna take us home... she was 21 she was really cool... but she took us to look for her husband couldnt find him then we went to this other house talked other people came they left then we left in her truck then we went somewhere in venice and we went by the YMCA and somebody had changed the sign it said PISS ON PIGS and i was so high and started laughing my ass off...lol. then we went to racetrack in Nokomis jesus christ she gave us cigarettes and i gave her 2$ for gas lol she picked up this nigger there and she kept talking to everybody there and she wouldnt shut up she kept asking if they wanted to party then we went into cracktown with the two people she met they followed her and we made a crackdeal for christs sake with them and another nigger... then the nigger in the car with us she had picked up started smoking it. but we had also smoked MJ with her so w/e but that was weird we went the complete opposite way we wanted to go. then she took us to dylans house and me joe and anthony stayed the night there. then the next day joe left and we hung out for a while then we tried to go to melinda's that one chick that picked us up but she wasn't home so we went to McDonald's and logan and all them were there and i saw ashley, elise, arlis, brandon and some other kids. Then we left and went to blockbuster and then went back to dylans house and took a shower finally lol. then about 2 hours later the cops came to dylan's house and they arrested me and anthony and we were high at the time so that was really bad i thought we would get in trouble but we didnt. then the stupid dyke ass cop bitch felt me up twice, once at dylans house when she searched me then twice at the popo station. then i bitched at her then my mom came and took me home. and i was supposed to be grounded for a week but that didn't last. I'll tell you about that later.