Oct 17, 2004 23:13
best moment of my week:
hey man gatorade water bottles are a mind boggling thing.. gatorade should make gatorade bottles.. so people drink gatorade.. not water.
some girl: "man look at him.. he looks really high right now"
me: hey, im high on life.
her: "lets just watch him hes crazy"
me to a third party: man im gonna karate kick this bitches head off. then i made some crazy face.
her: (getting freaked out)
in other news. i love rock and roll.
the presidential debate is going to be a mind fuck of an experience. im gonna vote based on who uses the slang words more. john kerry.. that guy is a hater. for sure.
poker is on every fucking channel.
that show with david blain walking around doing magic blows my fucking mind.
PS: i just rinsed out a mcflurry cup becasue i didnt wanna walk downstairs and throw it away.. beat thaty for lazy