Alright I love my mother, don't doubt that, but she's been driving me up the wall. Especially since she found out I'm going to be moving out. It's 20 questions, wondering what she/they did or said to make us want to move out. I can't very well tell her the truth - that we don't feel wanted here. Especially with her little comments of how long we've been there, or if we're behind on paying them asking us about the money (mind You my Dad does the bills etc not her) . Some of you know I don't have the best of relationship with my mom. Maybe /hopefully my moving out will help our relationship some.
Mother's day is coming up and I have no clue what to get her as usual. She's not really my friend and while I Love her we're not close.
The reason why I can't tell her anything is because she'll get all defensive and upset with me and angry. Par for the course. She makes me feel even to this day sometimes that I need to be the perfect child. I've gotten better at standing up for myself since Tim (thanks honey ).
I have a bad feeling things are never going to be really good between us.
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