Sep 19, 2008 16:57
I watched P.S. I Love You the other night with my mom and realized that Tim was basically my Gerry. I don't know what I would do without him.
The two of us had a very serious conversation about a week or two ago and since than I've been more careful than ever to not hurt him. He was worried partially because of Mitch messaging me out of the blue a while ago and than me saying I still cared deeply for an ex. Is it Love I feel for this man? No. I love him as a friend yes I can say that but as's hard to explain all that I can say is I care deeply and he's basically my best guy friend. I told Tim that I loved HIM, not anyone else. I miss him whenever he's away, I go through the day making little mental reminders to tell him this or that, or to ask his opinion on something.
People have looked at me and looked at my past with my string of broken hearts on both sides and wondered "How can she stay faithful?" Easy. I desire no other except him. I also have no desire to kill him emotionally as I know thats what would happen. In doing that I would hurt myself as well.
There is only one or two other people that know about this fight/talk Tim and I had and it's going to stay that way, even if you ask. It's simply too private and personal.
I think that's it...I've just been wanting to get this out and down somewhere, preferably not myspace either so I put down in here. I love you, Pup.
P.S. I know this kinda sappy but oh well ^^;;