when I have nobody to talk one on one, I'll tell the world

Mar 28, 2006 01:37

If you asked me earlier if I believed in humanity, I would undoubtedly have said yes.....
How could you not have? Great accomplishments have been made by the human race.

-life saving procedures for injuries and diseases
-vast empires of reason and high ideals
-beautiful works of art and musical masterpieces
-philosophy of selfless ideals of sacrifice
-emotions and reason not known by any other life on this planet

But hearing and seeing things that have been done in light of these great accomplishments, it makes me doubt the direction the human race is headed.

I'm not not saying I hope all things in the world should work out the way I want them, or everything should always turn out good in the end. Mistakes are made, accidents happen, evil always finds a way to remind us that it is still here, and we can be a part if we are weak enough to join it. Good shows it can prevail over evil, but it doesn't always win the battle.

But if asked the question: "Do you believe the human race is inherently good or bad?" How would you answer this question?

If you say bad, then I refer you to the few yet significant accomplishments I have listed above.

Should you say good, then I ask why law must exist for the masses, or why does murder or the idea of it even come to an inherently good being?
How many times have you who are reading this said either of these following statements with this frame of mind:

-"I'm going to kill you" to somebody as an obvious joke, yet maybe your mind formed that image that person as dead at your hands...did you shudder as you thought it was a terrible vision? Or were you unaffected?
(Don't worry, This isn't going anywhere beyond hypothetical, I'm just being philosophical)

-"I love you" in a serious tone but not meant it? To a family member? a non-blood relation? someone you care about?

I picked these two statements for a reason: From I'm hoping comes from a reasonably educated by a fairly homogenus education and conformed participant of an individualistic society, I believe these two statements said with these contexts bring on the opposite feelings that should be recieved by each the giver and the reciever of these statements.

"I'm going to kill you"
-The person who is threatened, though an empty threat it is, feels happy that they know the person's intent is not in the structure of the words, but the manner of how it is said. Or do they smile because they don't believe you and are glad of it? Every person should be inherently afraid of death, it follows the RCT, or 'Rational Choice Theory' that they make decisions to benefit themselves, and dying is of no advantage to a living being. Eventually this ideal might be taken over by another emotion or ideal the mind gives them or they learn.

-The person who said this, then had that vision, if they actually cared about this person genuinely, they should be hurt, even if mildly...but maybe even moreso wonder why they had this vision...where in their mind or nature would such a terrible thing come from. The uncertain origin of this vision might make one doubt about themselves, this realization of this capability, this power they have that they could make that vision they never wanted a reality if they so chose. Is this the mind trying to trick them into doing an evil part of themselves they have been supressing, or did it just decide to form that very minute?

In this statement, the lie of the words indicating harm show affection and care. The ally in enemies clothing. An evil statement is percieved in a good way.

"I love you"
-The person on the recieving end of this statement takes the words to heart, letting an empty shell of a sentence fill someone with an emotion they provide themselves. They believe this sentence and want to accept it as true. Whether if they find it out later the validity of this statement as a lie, then the true meaning of the statement takes its effect.

-The person who says this without meaning it cannot feel remorse, for if they did, then they would be lying to themself, thus making this a different scenario I mentioned above. There can only be an intent to harm by lying with this statement. But why harm with affection? The only kind of person who should able to do this is a person who has experienced this before, and I say this because you must know what the pain the person will feel when they find out the truth or else the existance of such a tactic would not have ever happened.

There are many different situations where you can argue this train of thought, I have tried to make an example below of what is in my opinion, a similar scenario that might appeal to different emotions, but prove the above attempt at exlplaining whatever it is I'm trying to explain as a constant mindset rather than a situational response.

Even if this is the last thing said by a living person says this before the other person dies, if it is said, and the other person never finds out...then is there any harm done? Yes there is, but then the lie is reversed. By telling the dying person you love them, you lie to yourself that you do not, because while you might not feel what you believe to be love, there is enough to tell them the lie, making this whole past explaination contradict itself. If you truly don't have this feeling, then you shouldn't care enough to lie to them in the first place. But if you do not believe with this is correct either, then I ask you what emotion would cause you to lie to a dying person you know? As I said before, by saying this statement, the only way to say "I love you" and not mean it is with intent to harm, even if the truth is never found out by the other person.

In this statement, the structure of the sentence is taken to heart as well as the false pretext. The shiny apple is coated in poison, harm in a gift. A good statement with evil intent.

In both statements, the sides of good and evil are swapped. The good is shown by evil, and the evil is hidden by good. So which side is more powerful? The ability to reveal, or the ability to hide?

-----end philosophy class-----

I was going to bitch about how I was angry how supposedly my little sister is being singled out in school. I understand that teasing happens, and the kids are not really the ones I am mad at, it's the administration and the parents of these kids. Here's what I know.....

-Since the second day of school, the kids have played a game at recess called the "Cammie curse" (that right there makes me want to punt one of the little bastards) where they run away from her. That's the game.....

-One of the "rules" is no tattle-tailing. Cammie has respected this by not telling my family of the little game mentioned above.

-Today, being monday, she was sent once to the principal's office in the morning, and was supposed to be sent there in the afternoon again because of parents calling complaining about her...there was never any recorded or witnessed evidence by any teacher by her EVER....yet a phone call merits discipline......

-Weekly progress reports are sent home, with behavior as one of the things being judged, and all the marks for her have been what would translate to her as an "A"....and now she becomes a singled out troublemaker that is brought to our attention in one day even though it has supposedly been going on for several weeks?

-Cammie's former best friend, who I have met several times...all of a sudden says she was mean to her...after all this starts happening...though of the times I have seem them play at both of her house and mine...never seeing any meaness from either of them? WHERE THE FUCK IS ALL THIS COMING FROM?

Basically the little girl has been attached to my hip every time I am home, I never see any meaness, maybe mistakes in ettiquette...kid stuff they need to learn by being taught, not punished...and ever time I have taught her something, she has learned it...and now all of a sudden she is a troublemaker?

Maybe this is why I had that huge philosophy spheel up earlier...are these kids doing this cause they are bad..or just kids and don't know right and wrong yet? But these parents and administration know that one kid at this age usually isn't the only source of the problem, and when that is the case, it is very easy to spot the kid. But when no adult supervisor sees any foul play for several weeks, then all of these accusations turn up, wouldn't something seem a little out of place to you? A seven year old is not that sly to outwit an ENTIRE FUCKING ADMINISTRATION!!!!!!!

But if she is, I hope whatever she has in store for them is good.

There are some other things, but that was the one that upset me...the complete head up the ass syndrome of everyone that lives there makes me sick to my stomach. I'm embarassed to say I'm from there, I have been for a while, but the feeling is stronger than ever.

But luckily the sadness turned to philosophical reasoning because of 'The Killers' and 'Muse'
Then philosopical examination turned to RAGE thanks to 'The Dillinger Escape Plan', I turned up the music too loud, and now my head hurts....

I'm going to bed
Hope you didn't miss anything important reading this 2 part journey into my soul.

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