Life, or something like it.

Aug 08, 2005 15:54

That's a show, or something, right? Anyway, the reason I titled my subject with it is that I am going to update on my "life, or something like it." Make sense now? Good.

...It won't be interesting. But then, it never is.

So. I went camping this weekend with Allie and Erika and Courtney. We made dinner in tin foil, and I sat on a few damp towels that people kept putting right where I was going to sit in the future, conveniently. I got a blistering bug bite on my arm, which still itches like mad, although people keep telling me not to scratch it. I'd like to see them try it. There were some semi-attractive guys (older) with British/Australian (I think both) accents who talked to us when we were walking up to our site (you know me, I had to bring guys into the post SOMEwhere...), but that was the only time we saw them. I love camping. Even when it's only twenty miles from downtown LA, and there are tents nearby with TVs in them, and a bathroom a couple hundred yards away... it's still sleeping uncomfortably in a sleeping bag outside in pretty surroundings. So I still love it. It made me really really miss backpacking with my aunt and uncle in Oregon, though. And Outward Bound in Australia.

Anyway. I worked Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and it was crazy: none of those days sucked. Actually, they were all... fine. Even GOOD. Insane, I know. The only sad part is, one of my favorite managers is leaving. Sunday was his last night, and he spent the whole of it making fun of me... But I loved it, and I'm going to miss him so much, it's pathetic. ::Sigh:: That leaves only one manager that I like, unless, miraculously, the replacement manager we get is amazing. His name is going to be... Scott, apparently. We'll see.
Ummm some GOOD news on the work front is that my cousin Erin is coming to work at my store in just a few weeks, when she moves out here to go to Chapman - hopefully that will be fun, hopefully she won't think I'm too much of a slacker and hate me for it, hopefully people won't see her as a nicer, prettier, skinnier version of me. We're actually not going to tell anyone there that we're cousins, and we're going to try not to let on that we are at all. Just to see if anyone really thinks we're that much alike. I don't know why. It's just fun, okay?

School is in two weeks exactly. I got a new backpack today, because I went shopping (also got jeans, corduroys, and a shirt and a new belt, thank the lord), and it's all so exciting: I can't wait to go school supply shopping, but first I need to go to all my classes and see what they require. I'm taking Intro to Psychology, English 103, Intro to Anthropology, Math for Liberal Arts Majors, and Intro to Women's Studies. I can't wait!

Okay well... I think I'm going to finish my smoothie and watch some Gilmore Girls. Bye!
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