Ср, 16:02: RT @ KhloeKardashian: "I guess in the end people become the people that they promised they'd never be"
Ср, 23:26: RT @ iamwill: Parents, if you want your child to get exercise and have fun...buy xbox kenect with "black eyed peas experience" dance game ...
Ср, 23:30: RT @ ItsThingsInLife: Sometimes your plans don't work out because fate has better ones.
Ср, 23:30: RT @ Rene: *Taking a test* My answer is no...if your answer is no please explain why My answer is yes
Ср, 23:31: RT @ TheeeSickestKid: We all have that one friend that has no idea of what's going on.
Чт, 01:08: RT @ iSpeakComedy: Modern Warfare 3 has been released in Iraq and Afghanistan as "The Sims"..
Чт, 01:09: RT @ elleburdi: My friend started telling me how I'm very controlling but I interrupted her and told her to please stop talking.
Чт, 01:11: RT @ EpicTweets_: Math word problems are the only place where you can buy 60 watermelons without having your sanity questioned.
Чт, 01:12: RT @ EpicTweets_: When a Man Talks DIRTY to a Women its sexual harassment; when a Women talks DIRTY to a Man its 2.50 per minute.. ;)
Чт, 01:19: RT @ FreddyAmazin: that akward moment when... its all quiet and your stomach makes that dying whale noise
Чт, 01:22: RT @ FreddyAmazin: You know when you walk into a room and forget why you went in there? That's God playing Sims, he just canceled your ac ...
Чт, 01:25: RT @ FreddyAmazin: Why do people feel safe under blankets? It's not like a murderer will come in thinking “I'M GOING TO KILL.. - ah damn ...
Чт, 01:27: RT @ FreddyAmazin: If you forget to say "Pika" before you sneeze, you can always say "bacca"afterwords.
Чт, 01:29: RT @ FreddyAmazin: I turned my iPhone onto "Airplane mode" and threw it up into the air. Worst. Transformer. Ever
Чт, 01:37: RT @ FreddyAmazin: Admit it, You only check your voicemail to get rid of that little icon you got tired of seeing.
Чт, 01:38: RT @ FreddyAmazin: Look at the keyboard, it has U and I together. Look underneath that, it says JK. Lol crazy
Чт, 01:38: RT @ FreddyAmazin: This is a "A" and "B" conversation so "C" your way out before "D" jumps over "E" and "F"s you up like a "G".
Чт, 01:40: RT @ FreddyAmazin: One address you will never forget no matter what: P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney
Чт, 01:43: RT @ FreddyAmazin: If couples who are in love are called "love birds", then couples who always argue should be called "angry birds"
Чт, 01:44: RT @ FreddyAmazin: They be like couch. yo. can you teach me how to snuggie? know why? cuz all my pillows love me.
Чт, 01:46: RT @ FreddyAmazin: Think about this: your cell phone has more computing power than all of Nasa in 1969 They launched a man to the moon We ...
Чт, 01:52: RT @ FreddyAmazin: A recent world-wide survey showed that out of 2,146,703,436 people, 94% were too lazy to actually read that number.
Чт, 01:58: RT @ FreddyAmazin: Relationships are like fat people, most of them don't work out.
Чт, 01:59: RT @ FreddyAmazin: Volleyball is just a more intense version of "don't let the balloon touch the floor"
Чт, 01:59: RT @ FreddyAmazin: Say no to Racism. Be like a panda, they're black, white and asian...but not mexican... so be like a panda holding a Taco.