[Blog] Competition

Apr 24, 2010 20:19

'mma be leaving Liberty around this time next week n' be gone fer about a week total. If any o' ye need ta talk ta me 'll be busy n' might only be able ta answer in the wee hours of the morn. Daen't none of ye bother tryin' ta go by the bar ta make sure 'm naet lying then sneak inta me place n' drink all my alcohol - tis comin' wit me.

Got a call in the other day frum a friend in the circuit. Turns out one o' me rivals is tryin' ta make a comeback in the flair bartendin' world n' I need ta protect me title. 'll be in Kentucky. Never been, usually go ta the ones in New York, LA n' Las Vegas. Might be interestin'... I suppose.

Ain't gonna bother takin' a plane, he's meeting me two cities over so 'm just gonna take a cab and he's gonna take us both.

Anyone know a good place ta buy trophy shelves? I daen't plan on comin' back wit anything less than 2nd place, n certainly not in second place ta that cosmopolitan swizzlin' bastard. N' fiddle strings... really need some quality fiddle strings.

Arthur, happy birthday n' all. I ordered somethin' fer ye but seems the eejits lost it in the mail. Hopefully they git it sorted out...

competition makes the blood boil, world is full of eejits, type: blog, flareing it up-bartending style

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