30 Days of Thanks, Days 19 & 20

Nov 21, 2010 01:57

Day 19-
I'm thankful for my digital camera and Photoshop!!! My camera is nothing fancy and doesn't do perfectly everything I wish it would, but we get on very nicely. And for all that my camera (and my skill) lacks, there is Photoshop. How I would make it without this wonderful program I do not know. I'm glad I don't have to! I've picked up skills on there throughout the years until my family is alternately impressed and disturbed by my ability to switch out heads or change shirt colors ;-), and I'm just happy to have the power of creativity at my fingertips.

Day 20-
I'm thankful for the support I get from my husband. I've had about a jillion time-sensitive projects going, and he has done SO many dishes and changed SO many diapers while I spend many an hour at computer or sewing machine. I don't know what women do without a Jonathan..... but I'm not willing to share mine! ;-) He is an excellent husband and I'm so grateful to him for being there for me when I need help.

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