Jun 03, 2006 12:48
I had so much fun yesterday. See I went to the dirtfest at like three and I found out that it doesnt open till six. SO ya we waited for Danny to get there and we went back to my house. Here we just listened to music adn shit for about two hours. Ya and i found out it is not fun to ride in a jeep with the top down and hit puddles. So ya as soon as me and Danny got there Jed pulled up behind us. And then Lisa and Mykka showed up.Ya I think one of the funniest times was when we were in the mirror place and Danny hit it face first, like a cartoon or something, it was quite funny. Ya and we rode all of the good rides like I dont know how many times. But then after the "mountain dew contest" Jed abandoned us and I still havent figuered out where he went. So ya it was fun. And I am going to go now.