Mar 13, 2011 17:32
You're not serious.
[The idea is inconceivable. Unimaginable. Absolutely incomprehensible.]
I really can't believe this... Humans do, it seems, lead such oddly routine lives. I'm a Time Lord! I can't be tied down to some insignificant little role in a shop or wherever. Imagine me working in a shop!
That's like Omega dressing up in a tutu and tapdancing for money. No, no, this just won't do. I won't have it! I am going to go into this place- [He points at the Pokemart.] -and explain things.
[Feed ends.]
[Five minutes later, it resumes. The Doctor looks stunned.]
...well, looks like that's sorted. [He might even be getting a discount on jelly babies in exchange for working there.] Did I just get outmanipulated?
!violet city,