Happy Birthday To MEEEEE...

May 11, 2005 21:52

YAY!!! TODAYS MY BIRTHDAYYYYYYY.....(yess im excited)
but its almost over :( but thats ok becuase as always im celebrated all the rest of the week haha tomorrow cake @ daddys, friday ppmalll then party with sum of the best girls ever at my house, satt ems dance and sunday my bday dinner with daddy and step fam in Boston and i get my presents!!(bought time cough cough) I think only lauren and bean would get that but anywho so TODAY....

I gotttt up @ 6:40 hehe I got to sleep in cuase it was my bday and my mommy drove me to school for like the first time rather than the icky bus! ughh so b4 i got up my dad called at 6:30 and sang to me! haha a goof and then my mom comes in and starts singin! haha so i go to school with my crap and my box of cookies and Kerry meets me at my locker which my fav ppls had decorated hehe and she gave me my gift(which is the BEST ever!) so then I had 1st period which was english and we had a test oh joy ughh and blahh and then i gave out my cooookiess yumm then sculputure hahaha we went looking for rocks (hint:it dont work to well in a skirt hehe) anywho so yah then 3rd we had a test and mr Lima was all nice to me cus its my bday and Kristine gave me my bday note which is soo prettttty!!! xOx,then gym OMG boy did the day get bad so i go down to the locker room and no1 is changing and i couldnt fine my shoes so i couldnt change so we go out and Mr. Arts is liek wuts up and blah blah i tell him no shoes and its my bday so he gave me a dollar! haha for ice cream gotta love it then coach p flipped out and was liek "why the hell didnt u dress blahhh blahh" and i told him the truth so he gave me a 2hour deteniton @ the end of school haha and boy did i flipp out...so i told him that i wasnt staying and he had to deal with it becuyase it was my birthday and it was unfair cus it was my first time and that my mom had takern time off work to see me on my bday (whihc is all true) and he said idc and i said well though cause im not coming and he flipped out haha so at the end of class i told him again and he was like well ur this and im busy so go awya so then 4th lunch and my name was put up heheh!! it made me feel better then math with catie that was fun then history last haha wow we had a test and i new nothing at all so i sat there and told mr P i couldnt do it and he was like "your killing me like that ur giving me puppy eyes" so i wrote stuff down and he showed me my grade and hahah i got an 87 which is pretty damm good considering i didnt even know what country we were even doing! HAHA so yess my day @ school ended with coach p goign ur coming right and me goign NO i cnat! hahah so yes i cmae home sprent time with mommy did my hw and opened my presents!! hehe then went out to the olive garden with em and her mom too and got wicked mad at the lady who didnt give me my cake but gave sum1 els some! how rudee then we cmae homee and stuff then my moms friends came over and i got another present which is for the summmerr hehe and then we had cake and then i talked to KATEEE and now im here I skipped some stuff but you git the drift hahah anywho so all in all my bday wasnt half bad! thanks every1 i love you allll SOO much! you guys are the best ever!!! and the partying never stopps i got thurs, fri sat and sunday all to go!! hehehe

so yesssss im offf but yah so happy birthday to me haha

sorry this is so long

<3 the birthday girl!! <3
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