(no subject)

Mar 31, 2005 18:33

I havent updated in the longesttttttttttttttt time...
since last time..
  • Beans Birfdayy
  • Beans houseyy!!
  • Easterrr
  • Schoooll
  • Tryouts
  • Spring
  • Snow
  • Alex putting one of my burkinstocks in the cat litter box!!!! not even my fake one but my burks! ughhhh lol
I dont member what eles...haha wow
Iv got lots of pics but im at dads/step moms so i cant put them in...
This weeek not much has happened its thursday and im not going to school tomorrow thankfully bu i still have to get up early ughhhhhh.....haha first period health today Kerry decided to tell me her love life news which made me laugh!!! but hunn i loveeeeeeeeee you tonss...then Ms. D goes "community service ideas ok planting who likes planting" Kevin German goes "oh oh yah deff...notttt..." "Ms. D kevin I dont mean weed!!" haha idk but we cracked up lol it was one of those you gotta be there jokes lol my fav skirt cept falling off today but everyone was like omg i love ur skirt becca! hehe which made me feel happy for once lol...aww Mrs. Maughlin has her last day tomorrow! so i had to say goodbye cause im not going in 2mw! shes so nice though her baby is gunna be a cutey!!! hmm my school day ended with my gettin off the bus tryin to keep my skirt from blowing up and Luke leaning out the bus window going "Bye now have a nice day! Bye Bye! see you tomorrow" as the bus pulls away as loud as he could " I LOVE YOU!!" haha he makes me smile some times lol...The only thing i dont understand today is why tf my leggs are soooo tan! its very odd they look like i went to hawaii for 2 weeks now instead of this summer lol odddnesss idk weird...ughh yah so now im @ pia's and dads doing nothing done sum hw and listen to alex ccmplain about being hungry lol and yupp now im writing this ill put in an entry later with picss and more stuff when im @ moms tomorrow!

so ill wirte then

Ill be there for youu...
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