Is there something wrong with me?

Apr 03, 2008 13:14

I ask this because I am neither goo goo nor ga ga over babies.

Nor do I see it as the ultimate purpose of myself as a woman to become a mother.

Let me clarify: family is great, okay? It's beautiful. I have those moments when I think of what it'll be like to have a family and I get all warm and fuzzy. But it's also a huge responsibility, one that I'm not particularly excited about taking on at this time.

Pastor Ken said something interesting about marriage on Sunday. Basically, he called it an idol of the American church. I know I've been guilty of it - wanting nothing more than to get married ASAP. Granted, I was a hormonal teenager (like...14, 15, 16) and all that jazz.

But really, marriage is only a small part of a larger picture. I am not calling it bad, but personally I've come to understand that there's more to life than getting married.

That larger picture is obeying God in other commands (yes, he did say to "be fruitful and multiply" in regards to having children). But what about that whole developing disciples of Christ bit? I'm not saying that you can't make your children in to disciples and "grow the kingdom" that way. But shouldn't Christianity be more than something that runs in families?

I don't know.

I have so many questions that I can't articulate about so many parts of Christianity that have been bubbling around this past year. Stay tuned, though. I plan on asking them here.
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