Jul 14, 2004 22:30
If a man should stand before his brethren and declare a fellow citizen a danger to the Republic, urging them to do all within their power to damage the ability of this Threat to harm their liberty and limb, it becomes incumbent upon him to list Reasons well-known and irrefutable why such action should be taken. We do thus declare George W. Bush to be in opposition to the principles of our Social Compact, and do thus call upon our Compatriots to struggle toward removing him from his Office, so honoring the principles of the Affair and with respect for our Audience, we present the nigh-undisputed facts for general inspection.
* He came to Office upon much-questioned grounds of Election, in which attention to the details of enfranchisement was obscured under the murk of political ambition.
* Upon obtaining Office, he granted no weight to this matter nor consideration to the Patriots who had stood in Opposition to his candidacy, instead acting with assistance from the Congress in a manner more befitting a Caesar risen upon universal Acclamation, giving cause to question his commitment to our Nation's protection of loyal dissenters.
* Under cover of responding to the shocking Attack on our soil and people, he signed an Act expanding the Power of the Government to inquire upon the lives of its Citizens, even so far as the books they read and the associations they embrace, weakening simultaneously the Privacy guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment and all those Rights it in turn supports.
* Seeing the rise of dissent, he has chosen to isolate himself from the outcry among the Citizenry, rendering useless their Right to petition for redress of grievances.
* In the course of constructing this Wall of isolation, he has dared attempt to prescribe by fiat Zones in which the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment may be practiced, implying that the Executive has the power to annul those Rights elsewhere in the Nation, and that he has the desire to do so.
* In his conduct of War and his Pronouncements thereon, he has consistently sought methods by which to render himself superior to the Laws and Treaties binding upon the Nation and its Executive.
* His disregard of Treaty and Rights with regard to his treatment of Prisoners of War and of Citizens arrested in the course of his pretended War goes so far as to render a shell the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Amendments as well as Treaties entered upon by previous Executives in good faith, to wit:
* He has approved the holding, interrogation, and prosecution of Prisoners and Citizens without presentment to Grand Jury and without due process of law, coring the Fifth Amendment.
* He has declared Prisoners and Citizens alike eligible for trial by military Tribunal, under judges accountable to him for their Positions and Recompense, without informing them of specific Charges, refusing them process for obtaining witnesses, and without Counsel, gutting the Sixth Amendment.
* He has done his utmost to prevent the civilian Courts from hearing the pleas of Prisoners thus held, nullifying any chance of trial by Jury as put forward in the Seventh Amendment.
* He has approved the use of barbaric Methods of Interrogation, unsuited a civilized Nation, by his barren Example leading soldiers of our Armed Forces into more extreme acts of violence upon their wards, even to death, making futile any protection of the Eighth Amendment;
* And, after all these latest Accusations were brought to the attention of the Supreme Court, earning him and his Advisers stinging rebuke, he grudgingly gave Half Measure of the protected Rights in a response promptly dubbed inadequate, showing that neither has he Respect for the letter of our great Law, as may a man of good Faith who interprets a Law in manner differing from his brother, but nor has he Respect for the Spirit of the underlying Principles.
* He gained through Accident of Attack sympathetic goodwill from our allies unparalleled in generations, and lost it, leaving us alone with the strength of our Hand and our Courage to come to our defense, and in pursuing upon the heels of a just War another War ill-advised has weakened our Hand, leaving us naked in front of potential external Enemies with little more than our Courage, God grant that it be sufficient.
* Throughout all this men loyal to our Nation and steadfast in support of its Principles, acknowledging disagreement and attempting through the Blessings of our national Speech to win understanding and swell our ranks, have looked eagerly to the Day when we might rid ourselves of this would-be Dictator, hewing to the rock upon which all Democracy rests, the nationwide Vote. This venerable Institution shudders to its very Foundation as the Executive openly considers to confound the expression of the Will of the Nation, delaying the Election and manipulating its Date due to nebulous Threats that this same Executive claims to see and fear, raising to jaded Eyes the Possibility that he means to extend his Tenure at his pleasure. Never before in our Nation's history has any federal Election been shaken by War whether Civil or External, by Poverty, by Sectionalism, by power of Nature or any other cause.
Never before has any Executive been so eager to seize upon phantom Fears to manipulate his Office and his Trust. It is with these Facts in mind, undisputed by any reasonable Citizen, that we pronounce President George W. Bush in grave Violation of his Oath of Office to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution, and of the fundamental Principles and Spirit of our Nation, call upon him to cease tampering at once with our fundamental Rights, and put forth the call to all who receive this Document to consider carefully the nature of their beloved Nation and rid themselves of this would-be Tyrant by the Power invested in them as Citizens of the United States of America.
I'm probably signing my own future imprisonment warrant by posting this, but I no longer care. There comes a time when you have to stand up and say, as did another "eminent statesman", "I've had all I can stands, and I can't stands no more!" You may recall that the Founding Fathers said something similar, albeit a bit more grammatical.
If you agree with this, repost it yourself in your own journal or to your own personal mailing list -- then roll up your sleeves and get to work, for the would-be tyrant is Entrenched, and disloging him will be a Difficult and no doubt Ardous task...but one in the best traditions of Free Men and Women.