1)Your first name: Zack 2)My first name: Tanya 3)Rate our relationship 1-10: 9 4)Rate my looks 1-10: 8 5)If i died would u cry: yes 6)Do u love me LIKE THAT: no 7)Do u love me as a friend: of course 8)Would u EVER kiss me: prolly not 9)Hug me?: definitely 10)Would u ever buy me something?: yes 11)Would u ever want to be my boyfriend or girlfriend? your my friend silly 12)Are we best friends?: yesh 13)Do u trust me?: yesh 14)Am i funny?: yesh 15)Do u like the way i dress?: yesh 16)Do i give good advice? fairly 17)Would u trust me alone with your crush: ummmm no 18)If i died would u come to my funeral?: yes! but don't you dare 19)What do u think i’ll be when i grow up?: A boon to society 20)When did we meet? In choir 21)Do we fight alot?: nah 22)Do u care about me?: yes 23)Are you there for me?: when i can 24)Am i there for you? when I share 25)Am i fun to talk to on the phone? yes, esp when stoned 27)If u could give me some advice right now about ANYTHING, what would it be? stiff upper lip 28)When we hang out together...do u have fun??: yes 29)Do we chill alot?: when we're not several hundred miles apart 30)Have we ever went out?: no 31)Have we kissed?: no 32)Whats our best memory together? our best I can't speak to. 33)Whats out worst memory?: couple arguments 34)Anything you would change about me?: not so darn stubborn ;-) 35)Whats my best feature?: your brain 36)worst feature?: your stubborness 37)If we had one last day together, what would you say to me, what would we do: we would get baked and sing Rent songs all day...because no day but today 38)Do I remind you of any celebs? not really 39)What do you think will happen to me in the future?: you will be successful and happy 40)How would you describe me to someone else?: cool as shiznit 41)What song reminds you of me?: no day but today 42) If we could go anywhere together, where would it be: Vancouver ;-) 43) Do you think Im pretty or hot or cute??: pretty 44) (opposite sex) would you consider me one of your best friends for a gurl or guy: yes 45) How Far would you go with me? hugs 46) If you could set me up with someone, who would it be? a hot, nice, rich, fun man
2)My first name: Tanya
3)Rate our relationship 1-10: 9
4)Rate my looks 1-10: 8
5)If i died would u cry: yes
6)Do u love me LIKE THAT: no
7)Do u love me as a friend: of course
8)Would u EVER kiss me: prolly not
9)Hug me?: definitely
10)Would u ever buy me something?: yes
11)Would u ever want to be my boyfriend or girlfriend? your my friend silly
12)Are we best friends?: yesh
13)Do u trust me?: yesh
14)Am i funny?: yesh
15)Do u like the way i dress?: yesh
16)Do i give good advice? fairly
17)Would u trust me alone with your crush: ummmm no
18)If i died would u come to my funeral?: yes! but don't you dare
19)What do u think i’ll be when i grow up?: A boon to society
20)When did we meet? In choir
21)Do we fight alot?: nah
22)Do u care about me?: yes
23)Are you there for me?: when i can
24)Am i there for you? when I share
25)Am i fun to talk to on the phone? yes, esp when stoned
27)If u could give me some advice right now about ANYTHING, what would it be? stiff upper lip
28)When we hang out together...do u have fun??: yes
29)Do we chill alot?: when we're not several hundred miles apart
30)Have we ever went out?: no
31)Have we kissed?: no
32)Whats our best memory together? our best I can't speak to.
33)Whats out worst memory?: couple arguments
34)Anything you would change about me?: not so darn stubborn ;-)
35)Whats my best feature?: your brain
36)worst feature?: your stubborness
37)If we had one last day together, what would you say to me, what would we do: we would get baked and sing Rent songs all day...because no day but today
38)Do I remind you of any celebs? not really
39)What do you think will happen to me in the future?: you will be successful and happy
40)How would you describe me to someone else?: cool as shiznit
41)What song reminds you of me?: no day but today
42) If we could go anywhere together, where would it be: Vancouver ;-)
43) Do you think Im pretty or hot or cute??: pretty
44) (opposite sex) would you consider me one of your best friends
for a gurl or guy: yes
45) How Far would you go with me? hugs
46) If you could set me up with someone, who would it be? a hot, nice, rich, fun man
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