Jan 03, 2005 16:57
Well today was kinda cool. Alicia, Austin,and I all went to see Fat Albert and it was pritty funny.
Umm I also got my Napolian Dynamite dvd back and Dan's Mitch Headberg dvd/cd.
Oh and heres a fun fact...If you have a scratch on a Game,dvd,or cd if you smeer toothe past it fixes the scratch. Its true cuz Alicia had to do it to my Napolian Dynamite dvd and it worked so that was cool.
Umm Me and her are kinda pissed cuz I ordered her a MCR hoodie and it still hasent come and now she thinks
that I didnt get her anything at all. Oh well shell fell better when it comes in like 2-3 days.
I learned to play toxicity by System of a down on guitar so that is pritty cool.
Well thats about it and I will talk to you all another day.