Mar 01, 2005 18:03
Its so sad how I take this walk with God for granted. I should wake up and dance my day away, but I've grown cold in my spirit. I've gotten used to being blessed. My life is over flowing with milk and honey, and I see the bad that there is. O God-may I wake up!! I need my eyes opened! I need to go forward to press toward the mark, to grow in wisdom and maturity. My offering is half hearted and worthless, and yet you o Lord continue to pour out your blessings. Forgive my foolishness. Forgive my slothfulness. O God have pity on this sinner that I am! My Lord and My God-Thou son of David-Have mercy on me! My cup runs over with Your love and all I offer is bitterness and broken pieces. But if there is one thing I've learned about you, Its that your mercies are new every morning, and you love me no matter what I've done or what I haven't done. Thank you Lord for my shame, for it keeps me humble. Thank you for my thorns, for they keep my mind focused on you. Thank you for the fire, for it will purify me. Thank you for your blood, for it keeps me clean and spotless.