Mar 04, 2010 07:03
I am flying back into LJ just because I can. I tried Myspace and Facebook but you know they really are not the same. I still use Facebook, but it does leave something to be desired.
Onward. In the news today. The Dad fell and broke his hip just before xmas. And when you add to that the fact that he is getting up in years (he will be 82 this year) plus the fact that he has Parkinson's ...well it has been a long recovery. In fact he has been in rehab for 9 weeks now. Yeesh. Thankfully he gets to break out of that place and come home next week. There are a lot of things we will have to work out, and getting him back to some amount of independence figures high on that list. Of note I am going to plan a bit of a family gathering next weekend just so we can all visit and he can tell stories about his stay at the rehab place. Although I know all the stories since I have been the one to run back and forth between home and the rehab place, it will be fun for him and he will have a captive audience.
Oh but there is always more isn't there? Nothing is ever really simple. But if life were simple then were would be the fun in that? It's all good though. I am refocusing on things. Rethinking things. Changing my perception to fit the world I live in. It comes to mind that the best strategic game player doesn't win by turning the game board over and tossing all the pieces. No. The player wins by taking what is given and turning it into what they want .... and somewhere along the way I had forgotten that.
Hi LJ. Its been a while.