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Jun 21, 2005 16:02

alrighty I haevn't updated in a while so I guess that I will start from yesterday seeing that I don't remember anything really lol..

so um yeserday I woke up @ 8 and then was off to my aunt's school with her by 8:30..I had to go help her move things out of her office b.c she's pregnant and she's not going to go back there for like 3 years....She works @ Clark Elementary In Detriot...it's so run down..it's sad....

After that I got dropped off at about 11 or so and then Joey came over...we just did the usual and what not and then I took a shower...after that we went w. my aunt to the insurance place and then me and Joey went to the dollar store and then to 7-11 after that we just came back here for a while and then we went up to the park and I watched Ethan Joey and MIke play b-ball..then I came home for like 20..and puked....heh..then I walked back up there and then we went and got icecream...me and Joey decided to walk home cuz it was nice outside...Lisa called Joeys phone and played a Gay 'prank' on me which I KNEW WOULDNT EVER happen!..LISA!..FAGGOT!...I Bet you 10$$$$...ssoooo gay..but neways we came back here and we went online and things like that and then Mike came and got Joey @ like 11...and then I went online and bal bla bla went to sleep..

Today I woke up @ to get ready for my doctors app. Left by 9:30 got there waitted...it was a pointless trip there..let me tell u they are SUCH HOMOS there!...GOD!!...um after that II drove home :) and then took a shower and then I went and picked up JosEPH..lmfao....STUPID TOPAZ!!!! GODDD!! phew! that was a close one! After that we went to the mall :)...20 places exotic and hot to do it @...# 1 In Joeys dads bedroom!...lmfao! well after we shoped we went in to Ogals, we sat there and talked for a while...my G*ma Hoed me like 3w74238 times!!...shes good...shes good!...

lmfao.." OMG!..YOU CALLE HIM A F*ER! " " YES I DID (( HICK TONE )) "

goodd times....

After that we came back here and then came online and what not...and then I feel a asleep then Iw oke up and we walked up to the park..

then walked back here and now here I am abuot to go....

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