Jul 13, 2004 01:28
Now that I'm done with thinking...about thinking, I must move to a very important and deep subject that is closely related to the previous entry: MOVIES Haha, oh my god, do I ever love watching quality movies. I find it so awesome that no matter what kind of mood I'm in, what kind of people I want to relate to, no matter what the time of day, year, the setting: There's always the perfect movie. When you watch a really kick ass movie, it can give you feelings of comfort, understanding and hope. Whether I relate to an event, a character, or even just a single quote in a film, it makes me feel like there's someone else right there that understands exactly what I'm thinking and feeling. I believe that your favorite movies tell a lot about the kind of person you are. And no...if your favorite movie is something ridiculously trashy, I'm not saying that directly reflects you, it just probably means you're uncultured, this can always be fixed. Where do you think the term 'chick flick' came from. It's usually romantic comedies and dramas that receive this label. Are you really that surprised? A lot of women still appreciate an old-fashioned gentleman and a good sappy love story. This does not at all mean that this is what every woman can relate to, don't worry. So...what about me? Shock of all shocks I love movies that really make you think or ones with plots that can be analyzed on so many different levels you'll never get bored. I'm also a sucker for a quality mystery adventure (no horror Scream 15 crap) but really well written investigator stories. Haha, I want to work for the FBI someday. Finally the kind of movies I probably catch the most of are ones where the underdogs come back to kick alot of ass (whether it's a sports movie, or Boondock Saints). Due to recent circumstances beyond my control I've had a lot of pent up anger and aggression. So, these kind of movies serve me well. Now for the question of the night: What are my top five? I ask this question in relation to just about everything in my life since I first saw High Fidelity 4 years back. John Cussack makes top five lists the whole damn movie, I love his character. Which brings me to the list: Shawshank Redemption, Thomas Crowne Affair, Boondock Saints, High Fidelity, and Good Will Hunting. *This list is subject to change. In addition I don't have the time or energy left to go through this list and explain in depth why I've chosen what I have. Save that for a rainy day when I have four hours and 10 pages...