Dec 17, 2005 13:05
i am drunk alec.
I drankby myself inmy bed.
my mom went to the hospial tonight..
i drove her there.
the entire time i sat in the waiting lobby with my sweater covering my face to "protect me from the germs".
I didnt want to inhale germs tonight alec.
i was scared.
i heard about spinal minangitis.
you can die from it.
amongst other things. this fat little boy came in, he had the face of a morbidly obese 30-yearold man on the body of a 5 year old child. like on maury povich. he was wheezing and he couldnt breathe and when his mom took himout of the beackseat of their car, he fell face forward onto the pavement. i wanted to laugh but it was too cold outside. So I went back inside. my mom fell asleep inthe chair because they took too long to call her, and we decided to go home. she is still awake. and i am going to bed. goodnight, Alec. Today I missed you.