first day after the season, and no practice... it feels kinda wierd just comming home, but now ive got to really get busy with my music, state festival is begining of May. so0 ill be busy all over again. i might complain sometimes, but i love my life, never bored.
Our last two games of the season were monday (goleman) and yesturday (HML) we won monday 10-8 and lost yesturday 7-5. but they were both awesome games. goleman was pretty dirty, me and the wholeset were wrestling constantly.. and she was mean as shit. but i love watching them get angry and they still cant do anything so i laughed.. after the game she came up to me and gave me the best compliment in the world. lol .. she told me that i frustrated her because she is usually a shooter and she couldnt shoot once the whole game. and that i was one of if not the best whole defender shes ever gone up against. lol ... then i had to be nice, and i taught her how to get out of a front. and we ended up talking with some of the girls watching the game from the table.
the project for quevedo was freakin hillarious... if u werent there to see it, i have it filmed, stop me in the halls and make me show it to u .. its 2:30 and i promise 10 sec.s into it .. ull start pissing urself laughing. i cant stop watching it.
im starting to get bored with lj again, so once again, im searching for a community ... here is _young_x_beauty im gona