Dec 28, 2004 02:05
well i think i figured out my s.a.t scores, but im not sure, i'll ask my brother tomorrow. this whole s.a.t thing is really stupid, i dont think standardized tests are a good idea, college admissions should be based on how well you did in highschool, or how well you would do in the field of work you want to do. i dont know, i just dont like standardized tests.
new subject. christmas was cool, i got the stuff i wanted, mostly. lots of dvd's. i got a better trac phone for my birthday, its not a cell phone, but i like it. i am also using my new computer right now, its a xmas, bday, and graduation present, its cool. not many ppl told me happy birthday, only mom, dad, cass, bonny, and liesel. that seems to happen every year, i should be used to it by now but whatever. i get why beth might not of, she might be grounded, and my grandma was worried cause my grandpa fell again and cut his head open. i dont know. we caught a mouse in a live trap yesterday, we are supposed to give any mice we catch to a friend for their snake, but the mouse was so cute, i let it go, they can kiss my ass. i also let another one go, it was in the trap, but no one knows about that one. i just get to thinking about how the mice will feel free for a little then get swollowed whole by a huge ass snake, it bugs me. i know some ppl might think that a small little animal getting eaten alive is cool, but i couldnt do it. well i should go and get some sleep or something. later. SAM