Well it looks like my being bored will not be a problem this semester! Yay! I so far have 3 presentations and 3 papers. My courses are going to be challenging but very interesting. I'm excited for this year to begin. Being busy will pass the time and before I know it, I will be writing midterms and papers THEN MEXICO! :D :D and then crunch time and presentations and then exams THEN SUMMER!!! And I'll be hopping on a plane as soon as possible and head off to Kelowna to be completely HAPPY with my rockin' boyfriend :D ahhh....
What 2007 has instore for me:
Mexico = scuba diving :D
Kelowna = boyfriend and plenty of adventures (maybe for the whole summer.. maybe for only a few weeks... who knows!)
<[X]>!!! X-RING IN DEC OF 2007!!! I'M SO PUMPED!!
I'm only hoping everyone stays safe and healthy... no more trama. I'm worried that my dog won't make it tho. She's 13, blind as a bat and has bad leg mussels. I love that silly dog... I grew up with her. But.. live goes on and I'll never for all the fun we had.
Isn't she a babe ; )