Good Morning!

Sep 28, 2005 09:48

If you don't have the time to read all of this, i ask that you at least read the last 3 paragraphs...i promise it will bring a SMILE to your face :O)

Let my tongue be silenced if I ever forget you!

WOW. Mass was totally awesome this morning :o) wanna know why? cuz fr. kunkel is awesome. he gave me this giant bear hug...good geez i haven't seen him in a long time...what happened was i overslept this morning and was running around and eventually realized that it was 625am, so i rushed over to st. mary's to find Fr. Dan ready to go forth with the yea...since i obviously didn't catch Mass at st. mary's i started thinking "where else do they have Mass at 8am?"

i thought of st. andrew's first since they are closest but then i realized i should prolly try to find somewhere close to st. tim's? nope still too far. Mt Carmel?...hah, really didn't feel like having to deal with fr. john so early in the morning:o/ Holy Spirit?...don't know their Mass schedule...Christ the King?...too far. Queen of Peace? far...Resurrection! Perfect :o) It's about 8 minutes or so from ASU...

It was totally awesome!! did i say that already? hehe...we had Benediction after Mass, as well...
Not to mention the awesome Psalm Response...i got stuck reading cuz they didn't have a lector haha :o) and you know what the reading was? well, some of you may remember when i didn't want to pursue a religious vocation outside of arizona, and fr. clements played that joke on me during Mass with the reading switcheroo? yea, it was that reading...some of you may figure it out from that story, the rest of you may figure it out from this one: it was the reading that i used to fire back at fr. clements when HE didn't wanna leave st. was nice hearing, reading it again...although it brings both good and bad memories to's a really powerful reading especially when teamed up with that Psalm ... sheesh ... and father's homily was wonderful too....

haha, nothing like starting the day off Adoration, Mass and Benediction!

Talk to you all later! gotta go balance my checkbook, and then back to divide confirmandes up in groups...

Oh, and by the way, Ree Ree if you're reading this, are you getting confirmed this year?

Oh oh! i almost forgot....i babysat for the Debates last night...AWESOME Catholic family...5 adorable kids...10yr old girl Bridget, 6yr old boy Matthew, 5yr old boy Isac, 3yr old girl Theresa, and 17mo old Baby Mary Clare.

They are such wonderful kids. Their Mommy told me that they all love praying the Rosary with Mother Angelica...they ALL knew the words to all the prayers...minus Mary Clare of course, who can't really talk much yet...and then before bed, Bridget says, "there are other prayers we pray before we go to bed too" so i gathered them all into the boys' room (they have bunk beds we could sit on) and they said together the Prayers to St. Michael, St. Joseph, the Angel of God Prayer, and the Act of Contrition! and then they all went around in a circle and said what they were thankful for that day! IT WAS AWESOME!

And, even though Mary Clare can't speak the words to the prayers yet, doesn't mean she doesn't know or understand her faith! Those of you who have seen my ible case where i keep my bible and briviary know of that blue plastic crucifix with Our Lady of Lourdes in the background? well, it was on the couch and the crucifix was hanging down and Mary Clare reaches up and grabs it, looks at it, and then KISSES IT! Then she turned and smiled with all her little teeth at me and kissed it again! and she kept pointing and smiling and saying Jus! Jus! Bridget told me she was trying to say Jesus...she didn't let go of the crucifix the entire time we prayed the Rosary and i detached it so that she could sit with it in her lap while we prayed the other prayers before bed...she kept kissing it and smiling at everyone as though she had found the greatest gift in the world!!

It's so amazing how young children find their faith! Mary Clare is only 17months old and she already knows! Isn't that just awesome!
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