
Aug 27, 2007 10:29

  1. I moved into my dorm in Chicago.
  2. I have no idea of anything anymore.
  3. I have already lost 5 pounds in the last 2 days from lack of appetite.

HOnestly, I have no idea what i'm going to do until classes start on the 4th. They have us here so damn early...it's almost making me go crazy. I mean seriously, my social factor has just gone out the window. I have been  making a few friends here and there randomly throughout days...but mostly I have been meeting people i already met, but they have forgotten my name. Oh well. I suppose I shouldn't think to much on it. 
Oh lord, the temptation to do bad things in upon me. (ew...i just kind of...christians...bah. lol jk) I have that natural boyish looking thing going on...but it's like...X4 here. Santa Cruz boys are SO not like Chicago boys. There are so many freaking good looking people here...i almost died the first day. Granted that I probably won't talk or interact with said people...but i can look from time to time. I have found out that i'm not really one for forward physical contact. Like...in little games like Truth or dare...i'll go all for it. When it comes to my personal life and thhe emotions that I feel toward someone, I wait .... a long time before even considering anything. I suppose it's my lack of interest for sex. But whatever. 
I will say, that i love the random alone time that i have here. I walked to a nearbye park the other day and just sat there. It was beautiful and no one was there. I sat and thought about my life and such ...being the somewhat hippie that i am. But really, it's nice to have this whole nice start thing...because my life back home was fucked up and to many people knew things about me that weren't the most flattering. Moving here...is like a cleansing thing. I hope that my classes go well and i can learn from people here. As of now, I finally figured out that the trains are color coded. I told that to my friend here and she laughed her ass off. I suppose I still have a lot of learning to do.


chicago life

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