Update me?

May 08, 2007 21:19

Dear Journal ( Daniel ) ,

It's been a bit since I did this. So i'm back on.
I have been having a good couple of weeks so far. I got nominated for a queer youth award, which is awesome. I didn't even do anything! Well, in my eyes I didn't, but people seem to see me as an inspiration to the gay dancing community as a leader and such. It's amazing to be recognized as a leader, it totally made my day. The best part is, I won! I get the award, and I'm really excited about that. The awards are on the 19th or something like that. I'm performing a solo jazz piece... eek. There is a community dance afterwards, so that should be fun. Boys! Haha, not.
I was on the radio last night! UCSC Queer radio. "Closet Free" radio or something or other. It was amazing! People actually called and talked to me about my life! People care!! haha. That was a bit emo...but oh well. It was a great experience, and they want me to come back soon to say hello. This whole queer youth thing is really getting me a lot of publicity. Apparently, my picture is in Bookshop Santa Cruz!!! I just found this out last night on the radio. Lol. You can only imagine how much I wanted to run down there and see it.
I'm in West Side Story, which is a lot of fun...but a lot of work. We opened last weekend on Fri. THe crowd was amazing and the cast was so much fun. Back stage crump party for the win! I love people. West side is the only real thing in my life that has been taking up my time, other than driving whenever I can. I love my car. It's my safe haven. My house is too small, and you can hear everything anyone is doing at all times. My car, is my music blasting, screaming, crying, laughing haven where I can say whatever the hell I feel like at any volume I choose. I love it.
I feel like I have matured a little since the second quarter of school began. I have been more aware of what my surroundings are doing and how the affect me. It's almost like i'm reaching that bar of adult-hood that comes with turning 18. That responsiblity factor that I think I have started to gain. That's partly what has been on my mind...
I have been single for almost 7 months now...and it's really starting to get me thinking about if I should continue this or not. Being single has the independent part of life that I like...but also I have those feelings about boys that I can't ignore. I would like so much to find a guy that has that maturity and personality that really matches mine...but I don't know how that would affect me. I can't seem to obtain a boy. Everytime I seem to have a crush, I''m never happy with the results. 1: people always seem to find out. 2: It spreads. 3: They don't like me. I'm going to try and keep it simple on this one. I want a boy, but i might be leaving for college in chicago...problem? YEAH! lol
I am excited about fanime ( on a happier note). It's coming in 2 weeks. I still have to buy my costumes...haha whore clothing I should call it. I can't wait for the energy, raves, people, food, merchandise, random games at all hours of the night, no sleep for 4 days and great boys! hhehe. All the good boys seem to live somewhere else. Santa Cruz guys always want the perfect boy....It's annoying. And none of them seem to ever date either! Or...they have dated and now hate eachother.
Oh well... I suppose i'm done. I'm typing this in the computer lab...so it's a little weird that people could be reading this. lol. At least I keep some level of secrecy still. It's not like I could carry a regular journal with me...it would get stolen. That's why I have you David!
Love you,
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