Apr 13, 2005 01:51
BLAAAAAAAAAAH this day had highs and lows:
Sociology was stupid, exp was easy, math i didnt pay attention and GB was fun. We had to think of 100 uses for a banana and they couldnt be x-rated. Jaye thought up some pretty funny ones, like you can be in love with a banana. Another group said you can use it as a baby's cane. It was so funny.
After we had dodgeball and we lost!!! It wasnt fair, they were the biggest cheaters ever. I think they were seniors and they were friends with one of the refs. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I cant tell you how many times they didnt leave when they got out. We played hard til the end but they got us, barely. And they were mean to Andy. His tendonitis hurts really bad and he got cut. Poor guy! he worked so hard for our team. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
I visited Emily tonight because I had no where else to go. She let me watch the end of American Idol. I love her, she's the bestest. Then i watched Amazing Race, which is continued next week but Rob and Amber are in the lead so that is good. I want the b/f to get out or ron and kelly.
I played jeopardy in brians room again. It's so fun, I love it! Then me brian, dereck, and adam went to stop and shop at midnighish. Luckily its open 24 hrs. I wore my slippers and pj pants with hearts on them. It was def hottness.
Now here I am. Tired and all. Do I want to go to the gym tomorrow?