Aug 05, 2005 00:48
Well my computer is stil being worked on. im at kay's house. Ok so the rodeo kicked butt. Like woah. the 1st night it was packed. 2nd night EVEN more. Saturday night was funny. Lil John lost his pants in the scoop race. it was crazy. Tons of fun. Kay stayed from Friday till monday. OoO Get this. Sunday morning at like 2am when we were packin asked us to go get a crow bar outta the explorer. well kay got out the JACK. called it a an autistick crowbar. Yeah it was an interesting night.
Sunday night we went to the movies and saw was funny. I think someone put something in kay's coke that night. she was actin crazy.We took kay home monday sometime. then tuesday me brat and Logan went and saw War of the Worlds. Not something i'd wanna see again. but it was pretty cool.
Life has been ok i guess. brat is tryin to be cupid..*is scared* but ne who imma end this now..gotta get up early. I miss all yall!
*Big Hugs*
Billy Bob, ur gonna have to wait on ur letter. its here at Kay's with me. ill try to mail it from here if not ill mail it when i go home