Sep 30, 2004 22:54
well not much has happened and work (ahh the story of my life) same thing different day
Guys, ummmm not a whole lot there. damn all i can say is i wish i was not so shy (haha i mean selfish...Stew u know what i'm talking about) well i guess i can't really say i'm shy i guess (to be truthfull) i'm just plain scared. many things have happened in my past that all the time i wish i could erase. things that run through my mind all day. i want them to go away and i try to deal with it but the pain and heartache still remains. some say u only have one life so live it. that motto is so true but yet so hard to follow. u do live it but never to what it could be. u have to add in the burdens of the past and the unknown for the future. u can't just go around and party and have fun all the time. u need some sence of reality, some way to overcome all the obsticles u have gone though to get to this one point, TODAY. (and the future) so i guess for now i will try to deal better with my past and become a new person for the future....
katlyn one time had a message in her profile "if i could turn back time." i think about this and as much as i wish i could i never would. in all actuality who would? ur past is what makes ur future, ur whole personality and the way u chose to live life. even though my past may have had some really rough times, it made me who i am today. yet again i am who i am and thats all i can be.
i have a massage tomorrow, maybe i can then begin to relax. and now have something to look forward to.
Always and Forever,
Diane Marie Mueller