Sep 30, 2004 22:42
so not much happening and school (ahh yes the story of my life) same old thing different day.
guys umm well thats too long to go into....but all i have to say is damn, i wish i was not so shy, (or i mean selfish...haha Stew u know what i'm talking about) or actually i'm not shy i guess u can say i'm just scared...scared of allot of things. things that i do not discuss with anyone unless i fully trust u, and even then its very hard. all i can say is there were some things in my life i wish i could erase but i can't and i just have to deal with it and try to block it out even though i know it will never go away. i guess u only have one life so live it, that motto is so true, yet so hard to follow. i guess i'll have to live each day and deal with what comes at me then, right?
well anyways i am packing it in early tonight, to many things on my mind that i just need to sleep to escape.
tomorrow i have a massage at 12pm. i know theres at least one thing to look forward to :-)
Always and Forever,
Diane Marie Mueller