a fic in which Changmin tries to be manly and fails.

Oct 14, 2011 14:48

kinda Homin, PG-13, 1200-ish WC, uber-super-duper-CRACKiesh, angst, fluff idek.
my first dbsk fic ever. and warning: i don't know what tenses are.
too embarassed to give this draft to beta. D:

“the youngest cries so easily . And mostly about food. well, He is an idiot”-Jaejoong,

“well done, now people consider me as a kid who cries due to my inability to get chopstick on my ramen” Changmin crosses his arm, pops down on the couch beside the oldest who busy removing make up from his porcelain face. The mascara is the hardest to be removed, Jaejoong tsking, feels irritated enough not to pay attention into maknae’s rambling. Feline black eyes staring back from hello kitty pocket mirror a fan gave him three weeks ago.
“oh minnie, but you DID cry when you didn’t get that chopstick yesterday,” Yoochun adds oh so patiently, half asleep on his seat. Not so helping, hyung. Changmin glares at him before sulks further on the couch, his stomach picks to growl at the moment, Jaejoong raised an eyebrow to the noise.

“make me something?” Changmin gets up, kicking Yoochun’s sin at the process. Yoochun cringes and pouts at his seat. Since when Yoochun pouts? Changmin eyes the oldest. So maybe Junsu’s obsession to always looks sexy but fails is contagious. He cringes at the dark circles under Yoochun’s eyes that getting worse, the effect from his sleepless habit.
“what is the magic word?” Jaejoong almost sings.
“i don’t wanna! Jae!”
“you just need to call me hyung-nim”
“heh, minnie’s crying again! Jaejoong hyung, did you refused of making him dinner or something?” Changmin turns just to see Junsu jumps out from the bathroom just with a towel hanging low on his waist, wriggling his eyebrows to the youngest.
Ew Junsu, ew.
(anyway, Yoochun suddenly looks not sleepy at all),
“fuck you“ Changmin replies flatly.
“awwwww so cute Changminah~ eukyangkyang!”
“tell the brain of yours. that it if you even have any.” Changmin exhales. “i’m not gonna cry because the food.”
And then Changmin sniffles.

Damn you, traitor eyes, damn you.

“so....” Junsu nodded solemnly.
Changmin gives him deathly glare before shouts desperately “Yunho hyung!”.
Stupid debate with stupid people, he repeats.”Yunho hyung!”
“Junsu-yah!” is Yunho’s respond from the kitchen direction.
Junsu snorts. “Jaejoong hyung!” he yells back. this is basically not his fault that Changmin cried at the first place, Jaejoong is to be blamed. And Changmin too, because he is just too fun to be teased at the private timelike this without the cameras, without manager-sshi nagging around them and coordi noonas and television staffs, just they all five. Carefree and loud, especially when Changmin’s ‘period’ comes. Seriously, that kid always become more and more like spoiled brat and his ‘i-come-to-fuck-out-your-day’mood increases once in a month. Jaejoong had been contemplating the possibility Changmin is hermaphrodite long time a go.
“Changmin-ah!” Jaejoong turns his attention from the stubborn mascara into Changmin. Why the hell is only Yunho Changmin called ‘hyung’?
“Yunho hyung!”
“i am micky Yoochun!” Yoochun shouts out his own name, just for the sake of completing. Dong bang shin ki is five, right?
“godamnit....” Yunho gives up from what he only-god-knows is doing at the kitchen, approaches the still sniffling youngest member and pats his head affectionately. Not that he is biasing, of course not. It just because Changmin is the youngest and he is the leader. And he has to give good guidance to him. He swears. Not that because he is cu---
“my life is such a failure” Changmin moves from his seat and curls up on Yunho’s chest. Yunho fells that weird tugs in his stomach again. Maybe due to his digestion problem, he assures himself. And his habit of staring at the maknae for too long without particular reason is based of curiosity of that handsome face. That’s all.

“fucking Jaejoong ”
“what” Kyuhyun pacifies, finally looking up to facing Changmin from his starcraft, Master’s league, he proudly announced 30 minutes ago when Changmin sneaked in to his room, with Jaejoong’s cookies on his hands. From that time Changmin hadn’t stop muttering words Kyuhyun doesn’t able to catch properly, contains some ‘stupid people’, ‘mean’, and ‘i run out ramen’s stock’ under his breath.
Well, Instead of one of his fellow dbsk member, he sometimes goes to Kyuhyun for advice. Of course there is the caring Yunho and the (surprisingly) wise Junsu and the empathizing and understanding Yoochun and motherly Jaejoong and all. but it just..

“nothing.” Changmin whispers and Kyuhyun knows it’s pretty much his usual period again. He sighs in the background when Changmin continues his rambling, accidentally pressing Kyuhyun’s console off button in the process and the laptop goes blank.
“uh, wow.” Kyuhyun says flatly. He has been contemplating to show his rare ‘best friend’ mode on but not now. Not when his Tassadar ALMOST channels his own psionic energies in combination with those of the dark templar through the hull of his command ship and crashes it into the Overmind. “Okay dude i get it. Poor poor Changminnie. now can you shut up?’”
Changmin shoved the pillow to Kyuhyun’s face.

“hey dude, you just have 4, i have 12. Kangin hyung talks too much, yeesung hyung is weird, me and Siwon hyung have to make sure donghae hyung and eunhyuk don’t molest each other every time we on the stage, and you have to watch when leeteuk hyung starts to nag, that’s the worst.”
“are the cooing and like ‘aww you are so cuteee’ when you’re angry?”
“oh, never, cutie cutie pie~” Kyuhyun makes a face. “They know their place.”
“i am manly” Changmin declares, pouting.
“then prove it. there there, eat your chocochips in peace, okay? They do that because they like you” he hands Changmin’s bag of chips in a daze (still shocked from his starcraft failure) and pats Changmin’s head absentmindedly before diverts his attention into the blank monitor helplessly.
Changmin recalls his situation for the past months. Everything is just uncertainly annoying and he hates that. But maybe again, he is just being selfish after all.
“maybe you right”
“i know. Now get out from here, my patience is limited”

Yunho comes back from his late schedule, closes the door and stands silently in the entryway of the dorm. then stumbling in his way as he enters the dark corridor and expecting the others are gone to bed already, but the dim light of the kitchen proves him wrong.
“Jaejoong-ah? What did i say about no more weird experiment at the midnight? green tea cakes and spicy milk yesterday are enough” he walks to the kitchen direction, just to meet adorable lips and a pair of doe brown eyes staring at him. Delectable fingers playing with the hem of his oversized blue pajamas, messy brown soft hair, bare feet, Looks so huggable and kissable and and and.

meanwhile, in yunho's mind:

“hey hyung ” Changmin grins a little.
“can’t sleep?” the leader asks. Thanks God, the extensive experience of being leader prevents him from stuttering on his own words. his eyes soften from the reassuring sight in front of him. He lets out a sigh as he slumps his perfect body onto the chair, feels the soreness all over his body from too much recording and performing schedules.
“i was thinking”. The youngest staring at the cling before lands his gaze on Yunho’s and he moves from his chair. Yunho moans shamelessly when those fingers give him massage delicately, limber up his muscles.
“you always do thinking”
“well, i have a brain?” Changmin rolls his eyes.
“hm,what it’s all about?”
“how to be manlier for our band existence’s sake.” Changmin says. There’s almost nothing Changmin had been hiding from Yunho, anyway.
Yunho can’t help it but chokes in his own spit, trying to hide his laugh and he can tell Changmin’s glaring behind him although he can’t see him. The comforting massages changes into pinches and Yunho chuckles. Changmin hits his shoulder several times, hard but playful, before shuffle along to their shared bedroom with a spectacular pout, chin up and arm crossed on his chest.
Yunho smiles, silently follows the maknae to get some sleep.

List of manly people at SM E:
Changmin bites his pen and writes down on his black notebook. Using his brain power (the IQ is 152, thank you very much), he hopes there is a subject at school learn about this. this is important, instead of killing an innocent creature and stabs its heart and intestine out. Eww. Okay, focus shim Changmin.
List of manly people:
1. choi Siwon.

so Siwon hyung is definetely the manliest man alive among SM Entertaiment's men. He has great muscles, handsome face, deep voice, gentle smile, plus quiet and charismatic. Perfect.

tuesday, 11 am, DBSK dorm

riiing riiiiiing.

“yeoboseo, uh, Yunho hyung? It’s me Siwon” a voice whispers.
“this is Jaejoong, yunnie is still on the bathroom since 30 minutes a go doing God knows what-“
“um hyung”
“yes?--- YOOCHUN! keep your grossy hand of Junsu’s ass for a while please? thankyou very much and stop making out in the kitchen we eats on that table you idiot!! Um, yes, Siwon ah? Why were you whispering anyway?”
“is dbsk has any schedule or something today hyung?” Siwon ask instead.
“nooo. we have our day off today! It’s not that because manager hyung drank my spicy milk yesterday, of course.” Jaejoong snickers . (“JAE so it’s you made manajer hyung getting dhiarea?!!!” says someone at the bedroom)
“So, what’s up Siwon ah?”
“well, actually i found Changmin-ah sitting in front of our dorm yesterday...and this morning too” Siwon says carefully.
“WHAT?!” Jaejoong yells at the phone. “ He’s skipping his classes?!-that kid!”
“uh- and he’s kinda staring at me with his bigbigbig eyes and carrying his notebook everywhere and follow me around hyung.” Siwon adds quickly. “ Can you... uh, pick him up or something? This is scary”
“oh my fucking god. of course... YUNNIE! JUNSU, YOOCHUUUUUN!”

30 minutes later, sulking Changmin is sitting on the floor in the middle of living room, looking like a child caught left-handed by his teacher after stealing his friend’s toy. all of his hyung gathers around him, already gave up of asking the reason why did he stalk Super Junior Siwon since the youngest’s lips is kind of sealed. Yunho has his intimidating i-am-the-leader-and-why-you-lied-to-me aura when Jaejoong keeps rant about how in the 8th centuries the liars grew another head and how Changmin made him looked like dumb infront of super junior's member and he doesn’t even, he doesn’t even---- (Junsu pats his back affectionally), Changmin keeps silent and Yoochun’s head rolling on the edge of the couch, falling asleep.

Changmin is, other than whinny and sometimes annoying, stubborn as well. This is common knowledge among SM E that dongbang boys aka God from the east are stubborn. Yet they are all have their own moment, like when Yoochun kept sucking that carsinogen sticks, drowning deep in his own world no one could reach him, or when Yunho forced his body into it limit over crazy schedules and sleepless night, ignoring his blood vomit and intense pounding head, or the moment at their debut when Jaejoong kept worrying all over the things, but unoticed, hidden by his cold appeareance, created that all misunderstanding moments , or when Junsu was, unlikely his behaviour of daily basis, quiet, and everybody knew something’s wrong but he can’t tell anyone. Not when he can’t even cry to express himself, felt dull, empty and hopeless.
And this time is Changmin’s, their genius yet pabo maknae. His unfamous sanity is all gone blown by the air and completely useless when he starts to worrying over unimportant things and drown into lack of self confidence.
keep staring at other people in an awe yet unconcious of his own potentials.

Two days later, Changmin’s in his room with Kyuhyun, both wear same curious expression while Kyuhyun connecting his handycam into Changmin’s laptop. Changmin is still grounded, he was practically throwing him self into Yunho when Jaejoong announced ‘no cake more than one jar per day as snack, no playing at superjunior’s dorm and no buts--! For the rest of the week. And then there is Kyuhyun, his best buddy who helps him because he was bored take a pity and Changmin’s second plan named STWFH aka spying target without following him is running smoothly .
List of malnly people i have to learn from:
2. kangin

Changmin puts his glassess on and preparing his usual notebook as Kyuhyun begins clicking some button. A moment later, the video begins.

10 minutes 32 seconds later.

Changmin’s glassess falls into his lap.

“ngggh kangin ah~~”
“aah, harder... harder! Ahh yessssss~~”
“ju-jungsu! you are so fucking----- tiiiiighhhttt”
“unggggggh! God!”

20 minutes 4 seconds later.
changmin blinks.
"your mouth is open" he says to Kyuhyun..
“wow” is all Kyuhyun manages to blurt out.
“.....uh” Changmin replies lamely.

Changmin’s frustated low groan muffed into his pillow as he is laying on his stomach. He hates this, he really hates this. He’s always just kind of assumed that if he ignores something long enough, it will go away. It works with most his problems, but definetely not this one. he doesn’t know why he can’t get rid of it.
Nothing of his plans worked, the uncomfortable gut in his heart everytime he sees him self on the television, trying too hard to fit between his hyungs, is still there. He wonders if he has been isolating himself, too worry watching the other to realise that maybe, just maybe, he just missing something. He kicks the bed repeatedly, groaning once again when he’s all wondering why he deserves this and why the hell is his bed feel so fucking cold under his skin?!

An arm slips under his comforter and he smells that familiar scene, his favourite (but no one know, of course) and Yunho hums behind his neck, his warm breath hits Changmin’s skin.
Oh hi, there again that weird feeling on his stomach and chest. Changmin think.
He doesn’t budge from his previous potition. Looking into the darkness to the three other’s figures laying under the blanket. He moves his gaze into the drawer beside the bed where a jar of cookies laying (Jaejoong brought him the cookies, still, even he hasn’t passed his punishment yet. the umma was horified for the image of the skinier Changmin, he said),
To the new plushie pillow Junsu handed to him right after they finished bickering each other on another game (my mother gave me this, to a better sleep. But i even can asleep while standing so it pratically useless, the dolphin grins), to the low hums between Yoochun's snores right now,the song they both had been working together for the past week.

“stop thinking” husky voice reaches his ears. The voice is familiar he’d recognized at the frst place. Demanding and little bit firm. Changmin can feel his body shivers lightly.
“what are you doing hyung?” Changmin asks instead. His voice all unsure and meekly, so different from usual sardonic tone he uses.
“people say the greatest way to warm your body is by sharing body heat”
That was the lamest excuse he had ever heard. Changmin lifts his head from his pillow and laughs loudly.
“shut uuuup” Jaejoong whines sleepily from his bed.
Changmin obeys the oldest this time, his heartbeat increases when the man beside him tightening his grip over his waist. He turns his body until he’s now facing Yunho.
it’s funny how he’s taller between the two yet they been able to make Changmin’s head facing Yunho’s chest.
He curls up even more, selfishly stealing the older man’s warmht into himself.
For the first time for whats like a year, Changmin is forgetting his worries.

List of malnly people i have to learn of:
1. Choi Siwon
2. Kangin
3. Jung Yunho
4. Jung to the Yun to the Ho
5. second oldest of dbsk
6. dbsk’s leader
7. j-u-n-g-y-u-n-h-o
8. soon-to-be shim Changmin’s boyfriend.

9. okay, the officially shim Changmin’s boyfriend now. (revised by Yunho 30 minutes after HIS BOYFRIEND wrote his)
10. ........this is so cheesy i’m going to puke. -Jaejoong.
11. who the heck sticked this on the refrigerator? -Junsu

An: and Changmin lives happily ever after. That, before Jaejoong take his laptop to surfing net... and find kangteuk’s video instead.

fanfic: dbsk. pairing: homin

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