Oct 26, 2004 20:02
1.) Confirm your identity: Whitney Leann
2.) How many years have you been on the planet? 15 years & 6 months
3.) What are three phrases you use at least daily? It`s gravy; hot; okay
4.) Are you a survey addict? Not really
5.) Do you have an online journal that you use regularly? Yesh mam
6.) Are you one of those people that are constantly applying lotion and/or chapstick? Not really, but at least twice a day.
7.) Name any mental disorders you have been diagnosed with? Severe clinical depression & Anxiety
8.) Ever freeze anyone's underwear? No, but that`d be funny shit.
9.) Name one thing you only do just because someone else thinks you should: There really isn`t anything. I`m not a people pleaser.
10.) Would you consider yourself random? Yes
11.) Do you have clothes hanging in your closet that still have the tags on them? YES! Way too many of them!
12.) Do you doodle all over your papers? When I`m really bored.
13.) Do you write down phone messages/notes on your hands? Yesh
14.) What do you think of those Kidz Bop commercials? I have no clue!
15.) What CD's in your collection are you ashamed to admit you own? None. =)
16.) Got any toe socks? I don`t think I`ve had any since the house burned.
17.) Do you find that you rub off on your friends more, or vice versa? Probably about the same; Justin rubs off on me A L0T
18.) What time is it? 8:07pm
19.) Does anybody really know what time it is? I`ve actually thought about this a lot, and.. I think not.
20.) Does anybody really care? I`m sure someone does, but not many people.
21.) Who sings that song, anyway? What song?
22.) Do you untie your shoelaces before taking them off? Not unless it`s my Timberland boots.
23.) Ever have random hallucinations? Not really.
24.) Ever take your pet for a walk? Yep. It`s actually fun, until they start DRAGGING me!
25.) Have you ever loved someone so much it made you cry? Yes, & that kinda l0ve, never works out..
26.) How much do you sleep? About normal. Or what is supposed to be normal. Anywhere from 7-9 hours a night.
27.) Do you think staying at home and raising the kids is primarily "women's work"? I think it`s a good thing. If you can afford, I think it`s be best to have a stay-at-home mom. I think Mom`s do a better job than "Mr. Moms" ;o)
28.) What do you think about gay marriage? I have absolutely nothing against it. Let people LIVE.
29.) Do blondes annoy you in general? Not really.
30.) Ever done illegal drugs? Illegal for my age.
31.) Do you smoke? Yes
32.) Have sex? Yes
33.) Yell at your parents? Sometimes, it isn`t an every day thing though.
34.) Compete with your siblings? I have no siblings.
35.) Think you got enough love as a child? Absolutely. My family is the best.
36.) Listen to pop music? Yeah
37.) Out of your own, what's your favorite perfume? Jasmine by AE, but they quit making it.
38.) Why do fools fall in love? That`s just how it goes, I guess.
39.) Why is the sky blue? It isn`t always blue, doof. It`s pink, red, purple, gray, black. It`s gorgeous on days like today. =) Justin & I sat on the dock & just watched the sky. Lovely.
40.) Did you know that your metabolism slows down at night; so if you have a midnight snack you will probably gain weight in the morning? Sure did.
41.) Are you going to have an open casket funeral? Unless I`m terribly disfigured.
42.) Do you bruise easily? Yes.
43.) Does death fascinate you? It doesn`t neccesarily fascinate me, but tragedies like Columbine & things like that; I always research those.
44.) Ever dated someone five or more years older than you? Mm, no.
45.) Ever dated someone five or more years younger than you? I`ve never dated anyone younger than me, period.
46.) What's with all the black rappers right now having such terrible teeth? I really don`t pay attention.
47.) What was the whole "rosebud" thing all about? Hmm?
48.) How many people do you think would come to your funeral? I haven`t a clue.
49.) Are you wondering why I'm still on the death thing? Whatever floats your boat.
50.) Who said this: "Death, taxes, and childbirth. There's never a convenient time for any of them." Clueless.
51.) Have you ever contributed to someone's death? I don`t think so.
52.) What Hollywood celebrity annoys you the most? No clue.
53.) What do you think about school? It`s boring & I don`t like it, but it is neccesary.
54.) Are you addicted to the internet? I`d say so.
55.) Do you have those little white vitamin deficiency marks on your fingernails? Not at the moment.
56.) Dog person or cat person? I <3 both.
57.) What do you take when you have a headache? Excedrin Migraine
58.) What's your alcoholic drink of choice? Smirnoff Twisted, Bacardi silver, & strawberry daquiris
59.) Is "settling down" a major priority for you? DEFINITELY. I really cannot wait.
60.) Do you have a calendar/datebook? Yes.
61.) Was "Beaches" as good a movie as everyone says it is? Don`t know.
62.) Physically, are you usually cold or warm? C0LD!
63.) Socially, are you usually cold or warm? I think I`m come off as cold sometimes, but I`m usually warm.
64.) Ever been so depressed that you don't shower, do the dishes, clean up anything, answer your phone or move from your couch for more than a couple days? Definitely.
65.) When you hear the scientific term "the big bang", do dirty thoughts come to mind? Haha, I`d never thought of it like that
66.) Do you ever walk by someone and they go, "How are you?" and you go, "How are you?" No, I always answer before asking. =)
67.) Wouldn't you rather we all just avoid eye contact and not say anything at all? That wouldn`t be cool.
68.) Ever do volunteer work? I`d like to do some, but there really aren`t many activities around here.
69.) Do you think community service should really be given as a punishment for criminals? Not really. I mean, it shouldn`t be the 0NLY punishment they get.
70.) Do you shoplift? No way.
71.) Ever worked so hard that you cried? I hate working hard & then it not turning out like you want, but I`ve never cried just from hard work.
72.) What if God was one of us? I adore this song.
73.) Who sings that song? Jewel & Joan Osborne
74.) Are you old enough to remember the commercial with little old lady saying "Where's the beef?" I don`t think so.
75.) Finish this sentence: "My kingdom for a/an ________." KING!
76.) Do you remember the Care Bear craze? Yeah, I used to have some of `em!
77.) How about when Oprah was fat? Yep.
78.) Remember Pogs? No
79.) Remember when that gymnast sprained her ankle in the summer Olympics, 1996? Surely so.
80.) Remember what you were doing yesterday at this time? Watching TV, or sitting on here.
81.) Do you love shoes? OH MY, YES!
82.) What shampoo do you use? I swap up `cause it`s healthier for your hair. =)
83.) How do you feel right now? Okay, I`d a lot rather be with my baby, than sitting here bored, on my ass though.
84.) Do you let dogs lick your face? Yeah, their mouths are cleaner that ours, so I`ve heard.
85.) Do you subscribe to Playgirl or Playboy? No, but I do look at porno magazines. The articles are fun to read & the comics are too.
86.) What are you doing right now besides filling out this survey ? Listening to music.
87.) What year were you born? 1989
88.) Do you rule that year? Sure.
89.) Do you paint your nails? Not usually.
90.) What's your hair length? Down my back.
91.) When did you get a cut/trim last? Last Thursday
92.) Do you have hoity- toity relatives, or trailer trash relatives? I`m sure some people would consider them "traler trash" but I love them nontheless.
93.) Would you consider yourself to have an innovative mind? Sure.
94.) Has an old man/woman ever flirted with you? I`m sure it`s happened.
95.) Ever written a survey like this? Nope
96.) Would you ever consider dating someone who'd been in prison? It depends. People do deserve second chances.
97.) Are you worth crying over? Not too much.
98.) Do you know anyone who's drowned? When we were in like, 1st or 2nd grade, a little boy drowned.
99.) Would you rather have a one-on-one conversation or go to a party? Depends, I wanna go to a party right now.
100.) Do you feel better after purging all this random information from your system? Sure. =)