Apr 10, 2006 10:55
So saw some mad italian flick by Fellini last night, most random arthouse movie Ive seen. There was this one part where a waiter whispers to a friend "I think the Ambassador has his eye on your girlfriend" and then it cuts to the scene of the girl sitting at a table with the very drunk Ambassador staring and pointing at her...you had to see it :P. Anyhoo I wanted this post to be all rainbows and sunshine since the last one depressed me, but what do you know, last nights threat of being mugged sort of spoilt that. While waiting at Goodwood station (not that late in the night either) two slags started mouthing off at me then tried to bash me and take my bag (the dollar one) but thankfully the train scared them off, if the train had been late by thirty seconds at the least though i would have been in quite a state. You really can't reason with fuckheads like that, when they started climbing over the fencing I'm like "Look, I dont want to fight, Im just waiting for the train. Seriously whats your problem?" then the skanky one (not the fat ugly one) started doing the whole homey "you want a piece of me!?" routine. Good times :P