My magical trevor-like Journey

Jul 20, 2005 19:51

weeeeee Im back in Adelaide and getting over my freakish hay fever!, I now have one blocked ear, ONE!!!! how cruel is that!!!!. At least with two I could get some peace and quiet, hahaha ( Read more... )

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nollykin July 20 2005, 11:05:55 UTC
Heels scare me. I'd fall over in them. Really far far. and hurt my bum.


4bidnsnowflake July 21 2005, 00:02:53 UTC
So do I usually but I'm making an effort and a half with these shoes, I usually prefer platforms....I don't think there r many guys who CAN walk in heels, so you are not alone, pity about that though as they do complement most legs ;)


nollykin July 21 2005, 11:52:52 UTC
Oh, I know plenty of guys who can walk well in heels, hahaha.

I'm not one of them, thankfully.


cholasthehedge July 21 2005, 00:03:04 UTC
And we can't have that


nollykin July 21 2005, 11:56:07 UTC
We most CERTAINLY can not. That would be horrendous news to my bum.


4bidnsnowflake July 22 2005, 01:29:09 UTC
hehehe BOTTOM!
I blame that outburst on my fruit juice...


nollykin July 22 2005, 13:16:51 UTC
Fruit juice does it to me every time.


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