
Jul 09, 2005 17:08

arrrgh ( Read more... )

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jickle July 9 2005, 08:06:05 UTC
Is anyone else particularly amused over the fact that Carla is actually trying to reinstall it?


Just me?

Alright then.


kneemail July 9 2005, 08:15:06 UTC
yeh that was fair amusing...geez carla r u desperate to get on msn or something???

ooh and guess wat *history* related song I just downloaded?? (oh the memories)


kneemail July 9 2005, 08:22:51 UTC
no one guessed

"we didn't start the fire"..haha
yeh we listened to a german version of that..and it's like "we've got cause for celebration" and lists all these alcomaholic beverages..funny...coz fire sounds like the german word for celebration (feuer)


katto 4bidnsnowflake July 9 2005, 08:29:23 UTC
hey can u reply here when it's back and running?
just so i know it's not just mine that's still retardinated!


Re: katto kneemail July 9 2005, 08:30:58 UTC
umm yeh i'll keep checking it...dammit..i need to talk 2 various people on msn 2NITE


4bidnsnowflake July 9 2005, 08:50:43 UTC
Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps-Cake
see I can answer question with song titles!!

We are not amused *quoting queen elizabeth*


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