Eighteen Years, I'm running out of toes to count

Jun 22, 2005 11:17

It was my 18th yesterday
thankyou everybody, you rock!
raaaa and cheers to everbunny!

Half of the school captain wished me luck for my birthday, and with those powers enstowed I completed my Classix exam, on time!!! YAAAAAA
I got a free cocktail last night, against request (Waitress-"It's your birthday, you HAVE to have the special!", Me-"okay, let go of my hand, you're crushing it"), it was good except i had to mask my slight tipsyness infront of my mother and her ex. i think it all went well, I was even co-ordinated enough to eat two tacos. And I tell you, tacos are the food of the gods, the Aztec and Mexican ones anyway. Dont try the Sangrea, it is cinamon water.

Anyway hope every1 has a kick ass week, sorry for the weather, I played a part in it.

Weather controlling God-What weather would you like for your birthday
Me-Cold and rainy and as horrid as possible
Weather Person god-But why!??
Me-The farmers will apparently enjoy this ugly weather, i heard it off the radio you know. So put aside my want for a day where my newly straightened can be unleashed without going mental, and instead bless teh farmers.

And THATS why the weather is so foul, due to my own modesty XD

hee hee hee Fat Munchkin! hee hee hee
Catcha !!!!* * *

PS-Anyone heard of the band, End of Fashion?
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