Character Relations

May 17, 2011 19:29

I'll think of a guide when I've got time. Maybe. Not now though.


RIN Some guy that almost charred him by practicing his flame powers on the roof one day. It's the first time he's seem actual magic or superpowers in action, so it was pretty startling, but if he can be a dead-but-not-dead cat with ghost powers, he figures anything is fair game. Rin's story about demons interests him, if only because he doesn't want the people he cares about to get hurt by them. And since he's not the kind of guy let that thing happen, he's offered to help Rin train by moving objects around with his ghost tricks. However, it looks like Rin still has a long way to go before that.



SUZAKU If it makes you less sad, I will die by your hand. I hope you find out what you want, I already know what I am. And if it makes you less sad, we'll start talking again and you can tell me how vile I already know that I am. I'll grow old and start acting my age, I'll be a brand new day in a life that you hate. A crown of gold, a heart that's harder than stone and it hurts a whole lot, but it's missed when it's gone. If it makes you less sad, I'll move out of the state. You can keep to yourself, I'll keep out of your way. And if it makes you less sad, I'll take your pictures all down. Every picture you paint, I will paint myself out.

nickname tbd


TSUNA If it makes you less sad, I will die by your hand. I hope you find out what you want, I already know what I am. And if it makes you less sad, we'll start talking again and you can tell me how vile I already know that I am. I'll grow old and start acting my age, I'll be a brand new day in a life that you hate. A crown of gold, a heart that's harder than stone and it hurts a whole lot, but it's missed when it's gone. If it makes you less sad, I'll move out of the state. You can keep to yourself, I'll keep out of your way. And if it makes you less sad, I'll take your pictures all down. Every picture you paint, I will paint myself out.

nickname tbd

XANXUS If it makes you less sad, I will die by your hand. I hope you find out what you want, I already know what I am. And if it makes you less sad, we'll start talking again and you can tell me how vile I already know that I am. I'll grow old and start acting my age, I'll be a brand new day in a life that you hate. A crown of gold, a heart that's harder than stone and it hurts a whole lot, but it's missed when it's gone. If it makes you less sad, I'll move out of the state. You can keep to yourself, I'll keep out of your way. And if it makes you less sad, I'll take your pictures all down. Every picture you paint, I will paint myself out.

'Mr. Always-in-a-Bad-Mood'


MAKA If it makes you less sad, I will die by your hand. I hope you find out what you want, I already know what I am. And if it makes you less sad, we'll start talking again and you can tell me how vile I already know that I am. I'll grow old and start acting my age, I'll be a brand new day in a life that you hate. A crown of gold, a heart that's harder than stone and it hurts a whole lot, but it's missed when it's gone. If it makes you less sad, I'll move out of the state. You can keep to yourself, I'll keep out of your way. And if it makes you less sad, I'll take your pictures all down. Every picture you paint, I will paint myself out.

nickname tbd

CHARACTER NAME If it makes you less sad, I will die by your hand. I hope you find out what you want, I already know what I am. And if it makes you less sad, we'll start talking again and you can tell me how vile I already know that I am. I'll grow old and start acting my age, I'll be a brand new day in a life that you hate. A crown of gold, a heart that's harder than stone and it hurts a whole lot, but it's missed when it's gone. If it makes you less sad, I'll move out of the state. You can keep to yourself, I'll keep out of your way. And if it makes you less sad, I'll take your pictures all down. Every picture you paint, I will paint myself out." _fcksavedurl="" alt="" />" _fcksavedurl="" alt="" />


Original code by tipsyfish  ; modified by sanitycrisis


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