What is your full name: Brittany Danielle Osborne
Spell your first name backwards: ynattirb
Date of birth: December 7
Male or female: Female
Astrological sign: Sag
Nicknames: Boo, Britt
Occupation: McDonald's
Height: 5'4
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Hazel
Where were you born: Norton
Where do you reside now: Wise
Age: 17
Screen names: *-- b d ø
What does your screen name stand for: my initials
What is your livejournal name: 4bdo
What does your livejournal name stand for: my initials lol
Pets: Kandy, Precious, Baby, and Belle
Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake: 17
Piercings:: My ears twice
Tattoo's:: none
Shoe size:: 9
Righty or lefty:: Righty
Hearing:: Nothing
Feeling:: COLD
Eating/drinking:: Nothing
- - When was the last time you . . .
cried: Monday night
played a sport: uhh....
laughed: today at work
hugged someone: today
kissed someone: Sunday
felt depressed: ?
felt overworked: umm, i dunno haha
Faked sick: n/a
lied: probably today?
had sex: haha ;) ;)
- -What was the last..
words you said: "i'm cold"
thing you ate: chicken nuggets
song you listened to: she says // howie day
thing you drank: dr. pepper
place you went out to: mcdonald's
movie you saw: Walk the Line
movie you rented: i don't even remember
concert you attended: n/a
- -Who was the last person you . .
hugged : Greg
cried over: christopher
kissed: christopher logan
slowdanced with?: uhh...toe?
shared a secret with: i dunno?
had a sleepover with: morgan
went to a movie with: mom, meisha, and mamaw
were angry with: toe haha (wow, he's a lot of these)
couldn't take your eyes off of: let's see.....
obsessed over: no one lol
- -Have You Ever....
Mooned anyone:: no
Been on a diet:: nah
Been to a foreign country:: no
Broken a bone:: nope
Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling:: no
Swear at a teacher:: nope
Talked to an lj member via emails or instant messages:: yes
Got in a fight:: no
Dated a teacher:: no
Laughed so hard you peed your pants:: no
Thought about killing your enemy:: nah not seriously kill them
Gone skinny dipping:: no
Met another lj member in the flesh:: yes
Told a little white lie:: of course
Told a secret you swore not to tell:: yeah....
Stolen anything:: meisha's stuff sometimes
Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid:: doubt it
Been on TV:: yes
Been on the radio:: don't think?
Been in a mosh pit:: no
Been to a concert:: nope
dated one of your best friends:: uhh...not exactly
Loved someone so much it made you cry:: yes
Been to a rodeo:: no
Been on a talk show:: no
Been on a game show:: no
Been on an airplane:: no
Got to ride on a firetruck:: yes
Came close to dying:: don't think?
Slow danced with someone you love:: Yes
Asked a friend for relationship advice:: of course
Had a friend steal your bf/gf:: umm....
Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love:: no :(
Done jail time:: haha no
Had to wear a uniform to work:: YES
Won a trophy:: of course
Bowled a perfect game:: woo, not even close
Failed/got held back:: no
Got perfect attendance: yes
Roasted pumpkin seeds:: not me personally
Taken ballet/karate lessons:: yes
Attempted suicide:: nope
Cut yourself:: not intentionally
- -Love Life
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no
If so, who are they?: n/a
Do you love them?: n/a
How long have you been dating?: n/a
Do you have a crush?: maybe ;)
Would you rather be single or taken right now?: well...
How many people have you dated/ talked to this past year?: i have DATED 3 people
How many people have you kissed in your life?: french kissed...like 17-18
How many people have you said "I love you too" and meant it?: 2 maybe
Have you ever had a hard time getting over someone?: yes
Have you ever been cheated on?: ???
- -What Did You Do...
Last weekend?: saturday i worked and then went to the b/a for a min, and then sunday i went to kent's house with toe and morgan and then went to work
Yesterday?: went to school
Your last birthday?: i don't remember what i did on the exact day?
New Years Eve?: went to mog's
Valentines Day?: i don't remember if ryan and i did anything or not?
Easter?: i worked
Spring Break?: haha several things
4th of July?: spent it with jake ;)
Halloween?: i went to toe's house...and well it was a memorable day, let's just say that
Thanksgiving?: went to mamaw's
i've been uploading pictures for like two hours.....gah!
I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT!!! heather natasha and i are hanging out on friday for the first time in, oh, FOREVER! haha! i've missed her and apparently we have a LOT to catch up on. ;)
on saturday i have to take the SAT, and then i don't have to work so i'll also be getting into something that night...i'm just not sure what yet?
emily's going to burn me another cd, yay! i love her!
well i knew this would happen...i'm going from upset to angry. i don't want to do that. i'm just going to stop thinking about it and stop caring. i'm not trying anymore, i've done the best i can, it's no longer up to me.
morgan needs to change her photo album from "friends" to "boo's album"....haha
envirothon sucks badly....UGH
i really should've gone to the alumni game tonight. but i DIDN'T because of STUPID, POINTLESS reasons!!!
well i'm done with this very random update. i hope everyone has a good night!
comments =)
[edit]i have uploaded 641 pictures in two days...tell me that's not amazing.[edit]