Aug 08, 2006 00:54
... the point is... everyone exposes their vulnerable side, it just depends on how much you let everyone see and throw stuff at. you feel like a little pus if you try to be johnny goodston and be weak, but you feel dumb and fake when you're billy McWhogivesashit and you're a jerk. but you have more fun one way but kinda make better friends the other... it's weird... im just writing things, i dont have things figured out cause fuck being smart now, we're dumb, we're fucking dumb. dont pretend you're so smart... we're all dumb, all of us now. we've got some shit to figure out, and if we pretend like we're smart and know stuff we dont figure anything out besides how to defend the positions we're in. like what the hell is the point of being strong if you're gonna be dumb. no fuck that, we're supposed to be weak uncomfortable and not good at stuff. we're supposed to be embarassed, and if you dont believe me, look at acne, we're not supposed to be good looking, we're supposed to be pounded into the ground over and over again because we think we're smart. so if you think you're cool, get over yourself, cause the sooner you do, the sooner you start learning some stuff about stuff.
(i know balancing that with self esteem and other stuff is important blah blah blah, but we're so arrogant, every one of us...)
so tell me things about how im wrong, or how im insensitive or how im an asshole, go ahead, tell me anything you need to, brake me down, beat me up. i need it, cause who the hell am i? im just some kid who needs to learn a lot fast.
so be bad at stuff, and dumb, and studder, and be awkward with clammy hands, bad breath and dirty clothes. you're supposed to. you've got a lot of other times to be cool, now we gotta learn things about things.