The Tipping Point...

Mar 04, 2010 02:05

This is , my tipping point. My very first online blog.. I am no longer a "Blog Virgin"..

HAH! What an irony since that 
is EXACTLY the type of thing that keeps me awake at night ! Terms like "Blog Vrgin" ? I don't know about you, whoever you are reading this, but I look at this term and stop ... and wonder... since when the fuck have people become so desensitized to the idea of sex.. ? I mean, using the term "virgin" which usually implies the word as we usually relate it to sex has become so loosely strung about around other ideas with anything from "credit card virgin" to "cruise virgin" to "blog virgin". I mean we tack that word onto any old action we can find.

Basically, this is the kind of idea that would keep me up literally all night.
Take this text message that i just sent to my boyfriend for example:

he says: Why are you up so late?
I say: I'm thinking...
He says: About what? 
I continue to write a page and a half of solid, non stop ranting about how people are so desensitized to sex these days. 
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