Adios amigos, and fuck California.

May 26, 2005 16:51

Yeah, I definitly need to get out of California. I think I snapped today. Unions run the government and pretty much control thier own pay, inflation is rediculous, and the quality of life here just gets worse and worse. My coworker says her cousin who makes $50k a year got rejected for a home loan here. That's just insane. In Texas the pay is only 20% less but the houses cost 75-80% less. And when you take away the 7% tax difference, Texans really are only making like 10% less. I can't stand how people here just ignore economics. I can't stand the smug hubristic superiourity of the Calfornia left. Why should I live here knowing that I'm getting half the purchasing power for my work? Why should I be forced give my money to people who have no respect for other peoples? Why should I pay $500 to rent a room, knowing that each month that money is gone? I can be putting that money into equity AND live in my own fucking house. Is this place really that great? People aren't as nice and friendly here. On top of that they are self serving phony assholes. It's amazing that people keep wanting to come here, perhaps it is the pretense. I can move to an educated and liberal city like Austin with out having the negative repurcusions of living amongst left wingers. The best of both worlds.

And what really amazes me is that people choose to start non-service industry businesses here. You don't owe something to Calfornia; this state hates you. There are states out there that won't try to bleed you, and the employees are just as highly educated and much more professional. People try to pass southerners off as white trash and stupid, yet the biggest university in the nation is in Texas. Austin alone has 100,000 college students in the 1,400,000 person city. How many big cities can claim that? Just Boston.

I would say that if this special election fails, I'm leaving - but I think I'm leaving anyways. I'm sticking around for the year just because I don't want to bail out of my job, and then that's that. For the same cost of a trailer off of Del Paso and Franklin (scum central for those who don't know Sacramento) you can get a large brick house in a decent neighborhood in Texas. Goodbye to pointless servitude and goodbye to the fuckers with "Free Mumia" shirts.
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