Oct 06, 2005 16:41
Alright, so normally I would have told all of you things like this earlier, but things have been a little hectic. I asked you guys about the National Guard. Turns out, it wasn't as good as I thought it could be... so Manda and I kept looking.
If you haven't noticed from the title of this entry, I've joined the Navy. We went into the recruiting office last Friday, spent 5 hours there, went back on Monday, 5 hours again, then on Tuesday we went to MEPS... the thing that checks your brain (ACT-type test) and then the big-ole medical exam. Anywho, Manda and I both did really well on both, and passed the Medical, then we went on and signed up and swore in.
So yeah, I'm in the Navy now. (The following is from Manda's LJ, because its more technical and I don't feel like writing it out.)
Yesterday at 1530 (3:30pm for you non military people) I swore in as a member of the United States Navy. I will ship for boot camp on November 8th from Milwaukee, WI and serve both eight weeks of boot camp, and 30 weeks of 'A' School in Great Lakes, IL. I will not be reachable from November 8th until I begin 'A' School, as my cell phone will be turned off and I do not, as of yet, know my address at boot camp.
Around the middle of January or the beginning of February I will, once again, be reachable via cell phone so those of you that know that number may, at that point in time, call me if you wish to do so.
After 'A' School I will be God knows where and probably either out of the country or on an Aircraft Carrier for the next six years. I'll try to keep in touch with everyone as much as possible.
God bless and God speed.
So anyway guys, I'll try and see or at least talk to as many of you as possible in the next month. I miss you all, and I guess I just wanted to say, wish me luck. I'm gonna love it. :D
--Seaman Recruit Erin Rose DeVries