Jun 30, 2005 17:53
so this marks one of the saddest days of my entire life. I just want you all to know that whoever thinks this war isn't necessary and whoever says that the men over there and just killing people and just want to fight.....i will kill you. there is definately a reason for this war. a big reason is called 9/11. and that is definately not the only reason. and those men are fuckin heroes. especially stephen michael savage. i'm proud to be family of a navy seal and he's the most amazing guy you'll ever meet. he's the best big brother ever even if he's "techincally" not family yet. after being with us for 6 years he's definately family. so all you people who think all that shit bout it being a stupid war and the heroes of our country being murderers, you can all fuck off cuz there's no way you could ever do what they do. and for all of you who are close to steve, and even those of you who dont know him. please, please say a prayer for him, for his family, for my sister, for our country and for the war.
here's to all the heroes of this country