Jan 21, 2009 20:49
So I dropped my car off at a local shop this evening. They are going to replace the broken strut with one that is not broken. Then I will have to get new front tires. I was originally thinking about maybe calling Shawn and having him, Rob and myself see what we could do to remove the broken strut and put in a replacement one but the shop I am going to said it was an $80 labor project which means that it would be around two hours or so and using mechanics with proper tool to three dumb asses with what they have to work with time table conversion math, it means that it would be a day to a day and a half project for us. So I decided to save myself the frustration and headaches and pay someone to do it for me. The shop is actually only going to replace the broken one, which is very cool, (it is going to be replaced with a used one but hey only having to pay for one instead of a pair is bonus good for a person with no money.) I am looking forward to the call tomorrow saying it is done so I can park my car while I sit in my apartment again. Wow that does not sound nearly as cool as I hoped but I will at least be able to run errands without having to track someone down to give me a ride somewhere.