Where Mark has to deal with the CSR people of Best Buy.

Nov 09, 2008 21:43

This evening I went out with Jim, (the owner of the Haunt), to a Best Buy special members only type sale. While looking through the ad this morning I saw a television that would work for the actor prize give-a-way as well as a computer that would more than likely do everything he needs a computer to do for his home. (He had been planning on having me part a new tower for him, but this price was only about $50 more than parting a tower and came with a wide screen LCD screen). As the computer was a limited number thing we went and had then grab that first for us and then we went to look at the televisions. As we walked over there one of the CSR people stopped us to ask if we were interested in Blue Ray to which I responded I am waiting for the price to go down, (which is true although I am also wondering if I should just wait for the next gen of movie storage to come up before picking up a new player.) Then we went over to look for the television in the ad. After spotting it Jim discovered that there were two TVs the same size and price and after looking at the tags one was a plasma 720p and the other (the one that was on sale) was an LCD 1080p. So of course a CSR sees us looking at TVs and has to come over and try to talk to us about them, not realizing that I had done a decent amount of research into the differences between the two types to know which I wanted and did most of the explaining during his two minutes or so spent with us. In the end he shuffled off to help someone who may not know enough about the newer TVs and might actually buy his line of a 720p TV will not play Blue Ray. Jim after staring at the two TVs and seeing the difference looking at it from an angle makes between the LCD and Plasma decided to get the Plasma screen television for the actor give-a-way. It was interesting to me that they did not mention to Jim the fact that he should not lay the television flat for risk of ruining the screen like they did when I purchased mine and we had to figure a way to fit a large television into the back seat of a 4-door sedan without tipping it over.

Tomorrow will bring setting up his new computer and maybe I will be able to find out what his secret plan is for the actor party on Saturday.


television, best buy, computer

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