Oct 06, 2006 02:21
Yea, due to a massive power outage across a good chunk of Walker starting at 7:03PM, (three minutes after people were let into the graveyard to see the dance,) the Haunt did not open. We hoped that we would be still able to put on a show but at about 8:30 and the battery back-ups on many of the emergency lights started to give out Jim called the show off for today. As a bonus though I did get a chance to do an emergency light test and I found that two of the lights that I have messed with and hoped I fixed are still not working and I know of four or five more lights that I now need to look at.
Tomorrow Jim and I will be working on fog machines and other misc. stuff to move toward that magical goal of finalizing the show.
I think that is all for today, it has been a long day, and a long week, (I think I clocked over sixty hours this week.)