Oct 01, 2006 01:58
Hey I did not go into work today until nearly 1030 to pick up my check and then after I got it at 1130 I came back around 1 to start to work. Replaced the broken light fixture, and then spent the next two hours fixing the hand rail. Two freaking hours for an eight foot 2 x 4, because it has to be sanded down so people cannot get slivers and then round the edges. Then I cleaned the tool room so we can get everything in there and still have room to walk around. Took care of a couple other minor things before the show started.
When Jim gave me my check he told me that I needed to apologize to a couple of the actors that I apparently offended yesterday by being mean or rude to them when they broke my show. I did apologize to one of them, (the kid that broke the light fixture,) because it was his first day and all he had was what Scott told him to do and as Scott does not teach them to act anymore he could only do what he knew.
There was no real damage done this evening. I would like to think that it is because the actors have found out that the asshole that run the front door last year is in charge of fixing shit that they break, and I will not be nice to them because they were stupid and crazy and broke something.
Nearly thirty hours in two days at the Haunt, really looking forward to not having to really go anywhere tomorrow and then not going in until 10 on Monday and more than likely getting out at like 5.
Later all.